The Church in Action

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Child Dedication Sundays at my church are very exciting days. Whole families gather together – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins – to watch the dedication service. The church is filled with people who love their little ones and who want to see them grow up in the fear of the Lord. Most of the time, the parents are dedicating their new baby; however, I have seen toddlers and even older children be dedicated. Not all parents are walking with the Lord when their children are born. It is a joy to see them grow in faith and realize that they want the same for their children and publicly declare their intent before the church.

After our pastor asks the parents to promise to raise their child (or children) in the faith, he then turns to the congregation and says:

“And so you Grace Bible Church, do you promise before God and (name of parents) that with God’s help and guidance you will undertake to make this a church that embraces and loves (child), seeking to bring (child) up knowing Christ as his/her savior, obeying His commandments, and enabling (child) to live as a witness for Him? If so respond, ‘We do.’”

As the family comes to church each Sunday, people in the church will have the opportunity to pour into their lives. Through Sunday School, youth group, potlucks, Vacation Bible School, special events, quizzing, AWANA, etc. the people in the church will interact with these kids.

My daughter still remembers the man who was the greeter at the door of the church when she was 3 years old. Fred, an older man in the church, knew her name and would get down on one knee (she was quite little for her age) to greet her and welcome her to church each Sunday. He made her feel special and she remembers that 40 years later. Both my girls remember the lady who was their Sunday School teacher when they were 3 and 4 years old. She still holds a special place in their hearts and they love to talk with her when they come home for visits.

I continue to see my church family pour into the children of the church – often in unique ways. I love those who come to support the children in their endeavors – art shows, sporting events, musicals, and piano recitals. Last Saturday I attended the Senior Piano Recital of a former piano student at a nearby university. In the row behind me were four couples from my church – there to encourage and to support this young man who they had known for years. I know that this was special, not only to him, but also to his family. What joy to know that others love you. Parents and family have to love you but to know that others want to spend time and support you is a treasure. This is the church in action.

Taking it Further:

Have you prayed for the children in your church? Are there ways you can support and encourage them and their parents even when life gets busy?



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