Fighting Joy Stealers with Contentment

Often, we are interrupted by God in order to change our plans to His plans. We may view these interruptions as a joy stealer, because we are no longer in control of our lives. We must experience change and we must work through the change.

Looking at the joy stealers in scripture, Philippians identifies four of them:  circumstances, people, things, and our attitudes. All of these are present in our ministry and churches. Sometimes God allows one of these to rise above the others and sometimes it seems like all of these are screaming for our attention!

I can relate to all of these during the past 39 years in ministry, but I faced a particular one recently.  A little over a year ago, my husband was laid off unexpectedly. His plan had been to work another five years in this ministry. With the surprise layoff I was challenged in our circumstances as to finding joy in this situation. But God was faithful as we prayed, we searched for His direction, and we waited on His timing. In our circumstances, His timing was not quick, but it was not late!  While we waited for His provision a ministry opportunity opened at a Youth Camp in Wisconsin to mentor the college staff during the summer months. Though not a salary comparable to what we left, we used our savings and we were cared for. Toward the end of our camp ministry, we received 3 opportunities of ministry on the same day! When the camp ministry came to a close, God confirmed our next step to serve as an interim pastor in Nebraska. As our savings was almost depleted in the five months, we began a new ministry in Nebraska. God is faithful. . . usually not early, but never late! His timing is perfect.

Here, I am experiencing the testing of my things. We are renting a townhouse and have brought only our beds, kitchen pots, pans, dishes, clothes, and a few personal items of pictures to make it our home. However, the church has loaned us the rest of our furniture to make it comfy. People have asked us, “Don’t you miss your own things?” And honestly, God has given me the grace of contentment. I don’t miss our “things”. When we have had family or friends visit us, their first response when they come inside is, “Your home is so warm and inviting!” So even though the couch, chairs, lamps, end tables, and furnishings all came from different people, it all goes together. . . God is in the details!

A huge blessing is that this home has the space for out-of-town family and friends to stay overnight. I am able to also show hospitality to the church family, enjoying meals or coffee together.  Some in the church have asked me, “Don’t you miss your kids and grandkids you left behind?” Again, God has provided the grace of contentment. Our kids have made the move easier by being supportive and sensing that this is God’s direction for our ministry, at this season of our lives. And God has assisted us financially as one of our kids is renting the basement of our house, while we are here renting the townhouse.

I heard a quote from Alistair Begg one time that said, “There is no ideal place to serve God except where He sets you down.” We have found that where we are now is the ideal place! Philippians 4: 11-13 says: “… for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

When we received the news of being laid off, I was weeping that night, but I have seen joy come in the morning (Psalm 30:5b). God has blessed me beyond measure in our ministry here . . . though not a ministry I would have sought on my own, had He not interrupted my plans.

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