My Hiding Place

You are my hiding place and my shield;
    I hope in your word.
Psalm 119:114

I don’t know about you, but this is a year when I often want to hide. There is so much ugliness happening around us. People on all sides of every issue are hurting. It’s so easy to default to the outraged ranting that our culture has made the norm. In the midst of the ranting and raging, real people are getting trampled, overlooked, and hurt.

Every time I read an outraged post, see an angry headline, or hear a rant, my heart hurts. I ache for the state of our world, for the brokenness. I am saddened by the lostness everywhere, and often feel unable to make a difference. Really, I just want to find a safe place to hide and be protected from it all.

Psalm 119:114 reminds me that God is my hiding place! Instead of letting the worries of this world overwhelm me, I can turn to Him, and hide my face in Him. Like a comforting embrace, I can seek refuge in the shelter of His wings (Psalm 61:4). As a believer, I do have a responsibility to be a part of this world, to represent Christ and lead others to Him. I can’t just hide away in my bubble forever. But there is value to taking respite in Him. I often need to step out of the fray and breathe deeply in the hiding place of my Savior. This world may be falling apart, but the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever, and I can find peace in Him (1 Chron. 16:34).

I am also reminded that God is my shield! During these days, many hurtful words are being flung around or carelessly spoken. Given our family’s place in ministry and leadership, I often feel very exposed. We are an easy target for barbed comments, whispered complaints, and more. Knowing the Lord is my shield is a great comfort! I can rest behind His presence, knowing that He will protect us. “So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:6).

Hope is something that often feels elusive. Earthly things we put our hope in fail us. I need to remember those words, I hope in your Word! There is nothing else in this world that compares. God’s Word doesn’t disappoint. I am amazed at the power of Scripture – I can read a verse today that I’ve read hundreds of times before and suddenly have new understanding. I come to His Word as I am, broken, and He breathes new life into me. He teaches me new and beautiful things about Who He is.

One of my favorite things to do when I’m down and discouraged is to put on praise music, and some of my favorite music to listen to are “kids’ music” albums where each song is simply a Bible verse. (Two artists I particularly enjoy are Seeds Family Worship and The Corner Room.) There’s something so soothing and uplifting – hopeful! – about listening to God’s Word put to music. It also helps me meditate on those verses throughout the day. 

Friend, where are you finding hope today? Do you feel lost, afraid, attacked, overlooked, angry, or hurt? I encourage you to hide your face in our Savior, trust in Him as your shield, and find hope in His Word.

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