No Reservations Needed

Psalm 63:5-7:

“My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,

when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night;

for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.”

You may recall that I wrote about this passage of scripture in my last post, Time to Relax. I love the word picture that verse 5 paints in my mind. “My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips . . .” 

We all love to eat and we each have our own favorites. Broccoli and saltine crackers are probably not on the list. Rich foods, sweet, savory, chocolate, premium cuts of beef, seafoods prepared perfectly, gooey cheeses, and crusty breads with sweet creamy butter. 

Previously, I wrote: “Remembering God and meditating on Him will satisfy our souls like a 3-Star Michelin restaurant’s 16-18 course meal satisfies more than hunger.” Now, I have never gone to a 3-Star Michelin restaurant. However, my research shows that there is one in Chicago, and should I ever want to go there and spend $395 for a 16-18 course meal, directions are available. I’ll need to make a reservation.

That blows my mind. All that money and I can imagine the extravagant food. Yet, it is a pale comparison to how God provides for our souls – at no cost to us; no reservations needed. Meditating on the perfections of God nourishes the soul. I highly recommend None Like Him by Jen Wilkins and The Knowledge of the Holy by AW Tozer. Read one chapter. Meditate on it. Be overwhelmed by a growing comprehension of God. Let it sink into your life, your attitudes, your soul. 

Let it well up within you and let your voice burst forth in praise to Him.

We are weak in our faith because we do not comprehend how great is our God. We sin because we do not understand the holiness of God nor the debt that we owe to Him. We fail to make wise decisions because we listen to culture, social media, and people rather than to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. 

Challenge yourself to learn more about God and see how it will change your life for the best. Feel your faith grow as you trust Him with every circumstance. Resist temptations to gossip, argue, and be angry because you love God and want to please Him. Read your Bible consistently and listen to His wisdom. Leave the fast food of this world behind, and nourish your soul today!

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