A New Flute

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19

Not so long ago, I wanted a new flute for Christmas. I’ve played the flute since my mom taught me in the 4th grade, but when I heard someone play a new flute in an Irish band – I wanted one! Could Christmas (or my husband’s love) be complete if I didn’t get one?

I received a beautiful set of two Irish flutes for Christmas that year- though sadly I haven’t played them much. I lacked the time and follow through needed to learn a new flute! God’s omniscience brings newness in surprising, unpredictable, and exciting ways to each of His children…in His timing.

I struggle waiting – even just for the toaster oven to crisp my cheesy onion wrap! Waiting for God to answer a prayer during trials can be excruciating, yet He’s a Way-Maker who brings rivers to our desert.

Almost twenty years ago, we moved to the Sandhills region of Nebraska. I had no familiar reference points. I prayed for friends! The Danielsons mentored us in rural church-planting for two years, then God called us to move 80 miles further into the middle of nowhere. I longed to understand these new ranch wives and to have deep friendships with them. It was many years before I learned that my own transparency would go a long way for these dear ladies to feel they could trust me with their friendship. In the meantime, God was my closest confidant in the desert, and He would bring new rivers of friendship in His timing.    

We have chickens on our hobby farm so pardon me as I use eggs to illustrate some recent trials our family has been through:

Trials are like a double-yoked egg, cracked on the hard counter of life, and thrown into the frying pan with no oil to ease the feeling of frying. 

Burnt scrambled eggs are not my favorite. However, I do like omelettes! It takes two eggs for a good outer layer, and there are two new friendships in my life that feel like the perfect omelette.

My ranch friend Janet was born and raised in the Sandhills, the first to hear God’s call to bring Him back to her community, and the one who offered to mentor me in all things Sandhills and Jesus this past year. We pray together Saturdays at 5 a.m. and trust God to do new things.

My Sandhills transplant friend Bonnie asked me every day how my stress hives were doing (during hard thing #1), then helped me laugh and want to eat when I had no appetite (during hard thing #2). She has done the hardest things right alongside me. 

I’ve experienced much loneliness and isolation as a rural church-planting pastor’s wife, not knowing when or if new things would come. But with our Way-Making God, I’m reminded over and over – there’s always hope!

Are you in the frying pan or the omelette maker? Let’s not look to former things but look ahead to the new things God is preparing. They’re springing forth. Do you see them? 

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