His Love Is Always There

“There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town . . .”

During a recent discussion at work, this phrase from a Carolyn Arends song came to my mind. We were talking about different towns in need of a Bible-teaching church and how Jesus sees them. “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” (Matthew 9:36-38)

In common vernacular, calling a place God-forsaken means it is remote, desolate, possibly neglected, or miserable in appearance. However, if we look deeper, we realize that it might be a commentary on how we think about God.

Is it possible that there are small towns out there that God has abandoned? Does His love only reach into the well-populated, well-kept towns and cities? Does His love ignore the miserable and downtrodden?

The answers are no. God’s love is always there. In this we can be certain. In this we can rejoice. 

And while ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few,’ let’s take this moment to thank God for the pastors and wives who are God’s Love in these remote or desolate places – these men and women who put aside their comfort of living near family, of receiving sufficient compensation for their work, and of being able to shop without traveling miles and miles. These individuals are laying up treasures in heaven, by letting go of comfort on earth.

Pray also for the laborers who are willing to go to a place that has no church – where the sheep are scattered without a shepherd. Laborers who begin slowly building relationships, showing compassion, and being the hands and feet of God. Who plant seeds and, with God’s help, over time build a church filled with faithful followers of Christ. Pray for God to give them wisdom, peace, strength, patience, and joy to persevere. 

Pray for God to raise up more laborers to send out to His harvest as He commands us to do. 

Don’t forget to thank God for your own pastor and wife who are serving your church – who are pouring themselves out for you.

And thank Him that:

“There is no heart so lost it cannot be found; there are no hopeless circumstances. 

There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town ‘cause there are always second chances. Until this life is over, there is no point of no return, ‘cause everywhere you turn: 

His love is always there, no matter where you are

His love is always greater than your fondest hopes and bigger than what you’re afraid of”

Love Is Always There by, Carolyn Arends

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