On Being a Church Lady

In a culture that demands formal teaching – from college degrees to seminar certificates – we often lose sight of the opportunities for informal teaching. We learn in the classroom; however, we also learn by observing – by seeing a skill or a lifestyle and desiring that attribute in our own lives. Often this learning happens without us realizing it.

As I was contemplating an upcoming change in my church culture, I thought about how many different ladies have lived their lives in front of me, teaching me lessons which God wanted me to learn. As I recalled times of working with them side by side in VBS, Pioneer Girls, Sunday School, planning retreats, washing dishes, praying for missionaries, and sharing testimonies, I realized the abundance of God’s offerings.

I learned:

From Nettie – about continuing in prayer and unwavering faith,

From Ruth – passionate concern and prayer for the lost,

From Maryanne – joy in serving and in suffering,

From Elaine – laughter is part of living (and it’s OK to laugh!),

From Virginia – passionate encouragement,

From Shirley – contentment in life,

From JoAnn – selfless giving and serving,

From Joan – humility in excellence,

From Katherine – applying Scripture in all things,

From Jo – steadfast service with encouragement,

From Arta – keeping busy till the Lord comes,

From Dorothy – humility in service,

From Marybeth and Muriel – using the talents God gives to serve and encourage others,

From Marsha – serving without recognition,

From Mary – faithful church attendance, even if alone,

From Cara – serving with joy through the pain. 

I continue to learn from the ladies of my church who through selfless service, sacrificial giving, and endless laughter have helped shape my understanding of God and my desire to serve Him in the same way.

Some of these ladies are with the Lord now, but others continue to teach me. How blessed I am to know them. I am better because of knowing them.

Ask yourself, “What am I teaching the women in my church with my life?” Ask God to help you extend grace, compassion, friendship, service, and love to everyone with whom you come in contact, especially within your church family and your pastor’s family.

Remember that you are teaching others by your actions. 

Titus 2:3-5 “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”


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