The Surest Calling

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3


It’s hard to know where to begin when explaining how I became a pastor’s wife. My husband, Trevor, and I—along with our little daughter and budding baby #2 expected in mid-February—live and serve in the Rainy River District in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. My pastor’s wife journey did not start in Emo, although this is our first church. And my story did not start with me.

The Journey
Junior high was the first time I recall contemplating being a pastor’s wife and I quickly ruled it out. My idea of a pastor’s wife was not particularly intriguing or rewarding. However, in His mercy, God changed my impressionable mind. Our next pastor’s wife glowed with friendliness and enthusiasm, attracting me to her, and simultaneously to her role. I could embrace the notion that being a pastor’s wife might be a good fit for me and something I would enjoy.

After high school I went to Bible school where I met this mature, smart, funny, and cute boy. We did not discover it until later while dating that God had placed us both in similar positions. Trevor did not have strong personal career goals in mind entering college and was also looking to God for direction. Pastoring fit with his strengths and areas of interest.

While we were friends, dating, engaged, and married during Bible College we both took classes in Christian ministry, biblical studies, and theology. Needless to say, we got really good at sharing textbooks and all along God was preparing us!

My Sure Calling
In the same way that Flowers for the Pastor’s Wife is about encouraging, equipping, and validating rural and small-town pastors’ wives in their unique ministries, God was making it evident that He was doing just that for me.

Encouragement to even consider pastoral ministry began in high school.

Validation came by matching me with a man who was ready and willing to serve in ministry. Pastoral “wifery” would not have been possible without a husband pastor so I consider our common vision valid affirmation!

Equipping during our Christian education and community living at Briercrest College primed us for ministry together.

God is indeed the One encouraging, equipping, and validating all of us in our unique ministries.

In our final year of school we began the search to look for an associate pastor position in rural Canada. We both grew up in and appreciate small towns.

The details are many but the most important one is that God led us here to Emo. In the beginning when Trevor started with a three month internship, I struggled to know how we would know if God wanted us to stay. It was incredibly comforting to realize if God brought us here we did not need to question if to stay. Instead, we could trust that God would tell us when He needed us to leave or go somewhere else. Yet, God frequently confirms that we are in the right place. At times it can be easy to notice the distance from our far-away families or feel short on external resources. It is then that God shows me—among other things—others dealing with the same thing or how much for which I can thank Him or the kindness of church family.

The Surest Calling
Do I know how long I will be a pastor’s wife? No. I am not sure.
Do I know where I will spend all that time being a pastor’s wife? No. I am not sure.
Will God give me what I need to be a pastor’s wife? Yes. I am sure.
Will God give me what I need even if I am not a pastor’s wife forever? Yes! I am sure!

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

Even greater than our family’s calling to ministry in rural Canada, or my specific calling to be the wife of a pastor, is my calling to live a godly life. Praise God who supplies everything we need—for our “sure calling” as pastors’ wives and for our “surest calling” as God’s children redeemed by Christ.

the surest calling of a pastor's wife

2 Replies to “The Surest Calling”

  1. Hi Nicole, thanks for your article. It is so nice to hear from a fellow Canadian 🙂 I grew up in Sudbury and at times miss the “north” so much. My husband also attended Briercrest in the early 2000’s. We took one road trip out there together for a week long course, driving through northwestern Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. I recall being in church when I was 18ish, observing my pastor’s wife and wondering if some day I might be a pastor’s wife. I don’t know why I was thinking that because I was taking biochemistry and went into medical research…..but obviously God had a plan because here I am. We are in Stratford Ontario now….I miss the lakes and rocks…haha. Blessings on your ministry and your day!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Nicole! I love the questions you laid out here. It often feels so much more complicated but it really isn’t. God gives us what we need today to follow His leading today. Thank you for the reminder!

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