Pray for Your Pastor’s Wife


How can one little word bring comfort? Peace? Encouragement?

I’ve gone through some major health battles the past couple years and I believe that the prayers of my friends and family, including my church family, helped me stay calm and joyful in the battles.

When Jesus was on earth He healed people with a word, a touch, a mixture of mud and spit. One group of men wanted so much for their friend to be healed that they excavated a roof to lower their friend in front of Jesus.

There are times that I picture my prayers in the same way. I am picking up my friend and laying her at the feet of Jesus so that He will heal her. He hears our prayers and He works in lives to heal, to strengthen, to give wisdom, to bless as He wills. It is good to have prayers surrounding you every day, but especially when the way is hard.  

Knowing that people are carrying you to the Throne of Grace is a great encouragement and it keeps you focused on the glorious fact that God is in control. And that you are not alone.

I’ve found that sharing my burdens, my current circumstances, and my needs with others allows them to share my burdens, pray for wisdom in my circumstances, and even provide for my needs.

In a private group on Facebook I can share my burdens and quickly see:

(Shannon) Praying

(Connie) Will be Praying, Lynnette!

(Lois) Prayers for sure!

(Roxy) Praying

(Sarah) Praying

(Sonya) Praying

(Meloday) Praying*

Each comment lifts my heart and eases the burden. I’m thankful that they tell me they are praying.

This is a reminder to you today. Pray for your pastor’s wife – as she encourages her husband. As she parents her children. As she juggles the same overfilled schedule that you do. Pray for her to spend time in God’s Word. For her heart to be joyful. For her needs to be met. Pray for her.

And then, let her know that you have carried her to the Throne of Grace.

*These are actual responses to a recent request.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)



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