Counseling Together

Aquila and Priscilla show us a fascinating example of serving well together in Scripture.  Join Denna Busenitz (Sandhills of NE) and Madelyn Fox (Allakaket, AK) for this devotional series.

About 18 years pass between Aquila and Priscilla’s first and last mention in the Bible. We see 8 life actions used to describe their faithful ministry. Today, we see how they counseled together  (Acts 18:2).

Counseling others is one of the most rewarding and challenging things my husband and I do as a pastoral couple. Our own marriage is strengthened as we pray, prepare, and debrief from the counseling sessions.  

We’ve received excellent counseling training and have great resources at our fingertips, yet we always feel like we have NOTHING to offer those we counsel. And we don’t…apart from sharing God’s truth in love. As we abide in God’s love, He gives us wise counsel to then pass onto others. Here is a simple acronym I came up with:

A – Always

B – Be

I – In the Spirit

D- During

E – Every counseling session

Aquila and Priscilla show us a snapshot of counseling together. Acts 18:26 says, “He (Apollos) began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and explained to him the way of God more accurately.”

This ministry couple had moved from Italy, to Corinth, and then to Ephesus when they met a Jew named Apollos. A native of Alexandria, Apollos had come to Ephesus and was “an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures, instructed in the way of the Lord, fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus…” (Acts 18:24-25). Impressive list! What did Priscilla and Aquila have to offer him?

Apollos was lacking one thing, “he knew only the baptism of John.”  He was an Old Testament scholar who lacked the full picture. This husband-wife team took him (very likely into their home), and graciously explained the way of God more accurately. Aquila and Priscilla counseled with love, humility and Scriptural accuracy.

The next thing we know Apollos is crossing the Aegean Sea to Achaia and the capital city, Corinth (Acts. 19:1), with a letter commending his ministry to them. He went on to become a powerful public debater and dynamic preacher, showing that the Christ was Jesus.

This world needs more preachers like Apollos but we also need more ministry couples like Aquila and Priscilla abiding in God’s Word and providing wise counsel to the next generation.

Dear small-town/rural/isolated pastor’s wife: your counseling ministry might seem obscure, or out of the spotlight. Abide in His love. Be ready. God just might send you and your husband the next Apollos.

4 Replies to “Counseling Together”

  1. When my husband and I are counseling someone I feel like we have nothing to offer…but just as you said, I remember that we do have nothing, apart from God’s Word–which his everything! I will remember the acronym you mentioned–it’s so good!

  2. Oh man Denna, this choked me up! I too often think the small stuff we’re doing in our ministry doesn’t really matter, or at least doesn’t have a big impact. What a beautiful picture in Scripture of a couple serving faithfully and having an amazing impact! And it is all God doing it, not us. I know I need to remember that!

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