People Along the Way

In *Erwin Lutzer’s autobiography, He Will Be the Preacher, he wrote about people who came along side of his family early in their ministry. One couple had them over for dinner, stocked their fridge with food, and drew them into their family. An older couple

“took us under their wing and treated us as if we were their own children . . . These families were models to us of kindness and generosity . . .”


These families were ordinary people who made an impact on their pastor and his family. And years later, that now rather famous pastor remembered their kindnesses and wrote about them in his book.

We don’t know what the future holds for our pastor and his family. Perhaps he will continue serving quietly in small churches. Perhaps he will one day pastor The Moody Church. Perhaps he will write numerous books which will impact hundreds of thousands in their faith walk. Perhaps your pastor’s wife will become known for wonderful Bible Studies she writes. Or a dynamic speaker at women’s conferences.

It is exciting to think that we can be a part of God’s plan in their lives by simply being an encouragement to them.

It is frightening to think that we can grieve the Holy Spirit and discourage our pastor and wife by the way we treat them. Think of it. Some people have left their ministries because of how they have been treated.

Years ago, after some struggles within my church, I decided that I want to be the kind of person that people will miss when I’m gone. I don’t want them to be happy that I am no longer there causing trouble.

I encourage you today to think of ways you can make an impact on your pastor’s family – so that they will always remember you with a smile on their faces and joy for having known you.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”


*Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years. He is also an award-winning author of numerous books.

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