Build Each Other Up

Pastors’ wives are nothing special. I mean, they are special, but they are also just like you and me and all the ladies in the church. They struggle, they conquer, they laugh, they cry, they survive.

And what are women in the church called to do? Build each other up. Encourage each other. (I Thessalonians 5:10) Bear each other’s burdens. (Galatians 6:2) Weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. (Romans 12:15)

Fern Wyrick is a pastor’s wife in Nebraska. She’s been in her small-town about three and a half years and in ministry 17 years. She and her husband have three boys and are expecting another around September 1. But this pregnancy started off a little rough for her with morning sickness. Many of you know just how difficult that can be, and when the ladies of her church found out, they responded.

Fern posted on Facebook:

“I have to brag on my dear church ladies for a moment. The last few weeks I have had a debilitating case of morning sickness. They have all gone above & beyond to nurse me back to health & to help me keep my family fed. Thank you for all of the meals, goodies, flowers, & love, dear ladies of New Hope. You have blessed us immensely!”


It wasn’t anything more than they would have done for each other. And it wasn’t anything less.

It was women doing what they were called to do. And I’m sure God was pleased.

Therefore, look for those opportunities to do what you are called to do. Ask God to open your eyes to see the opportunities He brings your way. And don’t hesitate to do good. (Galatians 6:9)

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”  Galatians 6:9

One Reply to “Build Each Other Up”

  1. Such a great reminder to build others up! I’m so glad the ladies were there for Fern (I know her from when I lived in Montana) and that you were all blessed, too, with the opportunity to build her up in Christ.

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