Putting Others First

My 6-year-old son recently attended a classmate’s birthday party at a splash pad. I was pleasantly surprised that he wanted to go as he isn’t a big fan of water, especially when it gets in his face. I was amused when he showed me what he wrote in his friend’s birthday card, “I don’t really like water, but I do like you.”

That simple sentence, along with Philippians 2:4 has been rattling around in my brain for a few weeks

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”


This verse comes right in the middle of Paul’s beautiful depiction of what it means to be like Christ, along with phrases like “having the same love (2:2)” and “counting others more significant than yourselves (2:3)”.

Once I stopped chuckling at my son’s brutal but sweet honesty, I was challenged by his simple action of putting his friend’s interests before his own; although, I’m sure the hope of birthday cake made his sacrifice a little easier. How often do I fail to put the interests of others before my own? Am I willing to get a little water in my face if it means I can show love to others?

I often think that in order to show love to the people around me, it has to be big in order to be noticeable. After all, Christ dying on the cross was BIG, and that’s the ultimate showing of love, right? But I forget that in order to get to the cross, Jesus had to humble Himself (2:8).

Humble myself and put others first – these are the ways I need to show love to others. It doesn’t need to be big and showy. As I take on the mind of Christ, He will show me the simple ways I can show love to those around me, even if that means getting a little water in my face.  

One Reply to “Putting Others First”

  1. Great illustration and challenging thoughts, Tobi!

    My husband uses these verses in our pre-marital counseling sessions all the time to teach couples how to have a healthy relationship. We sure all have to grow in this one daily. Thanks for the challenge!

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