A Walk as God’s Creation

It is fall! This is the time temperatures cool down to a lovely temperature that requires jeans, sweatshirts, and a fire in the fireplace. These are beautiful days when you work without fear of heat stroke, days that call you to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. (This does not include the abundance of stink bugs that are overwhelming those of us living in Central Illinois.)

But it does include the beauty of the leaves. Green leaves are turning to gold, red, orange, and every hue in between. Walking in the woods, or even on tree-lined streets, I enjoy the softly falling leaves as they float to the ground. The colors are vibrant – even though they herald the barrenness of winter. For now, let me walk through the leaves, swooshing them as I go.

In Ephesians 2:10 Paul tells us of another walk we should take, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

One of the most beautiful words in this verse is “workmanship.” It’s from the Greek word from which we get the word ‘poem.’ As we walk through the beauty of His creation, we are also a masterpiece, His work of art created by Him alone. We are His poem!

I’ve written several poems in my lifetime. A few of them are rather good and I feel satisfaction, even joy, when I read them, knowing full well that God gave me the words to write. I hope that God feels joy when He watches me each day in my walk of obedience to Him in good works.

He has saved us to do good works, but He intends for us to do them with His help. We should walk in His good works as we walk along the path in the woods.

Think about your walk today. What good works has God prepared for you to walk in today? Perhaps to be an encourager? On your list of people to encourage today, be sure to add your Pastor’s Wife.

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