We Like Sheep

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.

Rarely, a commercial will catch my attention and bring a tear to my eye. This Christmas season offered one of those moments.

A farm girl raced home every day from the bus stop to hand stitch something in her room. Mom watched each day, but the girl did not share her task with Mom. After weeks of the same routine when the girl races home from school, she sees her dad, shearing her sheep of a thick coat of wool. She runs into the house and comes back with her hand-stitched blanket, covering the sheep who no longer had a warm coat.

Christmas is what you make it.

I didn’t see the ad often, but it stayed in my mind all season. It made me think.

The child knew the shearing was coming and her love for the animal made her prepare for the inevitable. She used the skills and time she had to provide warmth when it was needed.

This is what our daily walk with the Lord should be – us learning and using our skills and time to prepare for when we see people in need.

I love sheep. I love the picture of Jesus as the Good Shepherd caring for us – his often-wayward sheep. A picture of sheep grazing on a green hillside shows tranquility and peace. I wish I could step into the picture and rest. Psalm 23 often rescues my soul from the busyness and anxiety of life.

This commercial made me consider how I can bring comfort to others in the fold. When I was little my mom called the big fluffy blanket on my bed a comforter. I loved to snuggle down in the winter under that warm and cozy blanket. (I still do.) My thoughts now ask how I can be a comforter to others.

Father, teach me new skills that you can use in me to help others. Prepare me.

Lord, open my eyes to see others who have needs. Physical needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs. Whisper to me how You want to use me to give them comfort. Use me.

Heavenly Father, give me compassion to give to others because of your great mercy and grace which you have shown to me.

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