Pot Luck

Pot Luck



-used in reference to a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable.

-a meal or party to which each of the guests contributes a dish.

One of the benefits of a small-town or rural church is the potluck meals. When a special meeting is planned after morning services, my church often has a potluck. That means Kay brings her delicious scalloped corn. Marybeth brings her award-winning pies. Elaine brings cream puffs, and Lynn brings her walnut, cranberry, and feta cheese salad. Everyone brings their best dish and everyone eats a little more than they should. Potlucks are great, except there are no leftovers.

When not referring to delicious meals, it refers to a number of choices – good or bad – but all choices. And, sometimes, I think people in the church think about their pastor’s wife as ‘potluck’. They think, “We hired the pastor and got his wife along with him.” Their pastor had a calling from God to serve as a shepherd and his wife – well, she came along for the ride.

However, God doesn’t work that way. When He calls a pastor, He also calls the pastor’s wife. God never leaves these things to chance. He never gives half-way. He never chooses from options – good or bad.

He calls people to serve and He places them as He wills. He called your pastor. He called your pastor’s wife.

I’ve heard some people say, “We didn’t hire her. She’s not our employee.” That’s true, but she is your best unpaid volunteer. She serves the church in more ways than you can imagine. Most importantly, she lifts her husband up in prayer so he can serve the church better. She manages the home which allows your pastor to make emergency calls in the middle of the night. She picks up the slack when others fail to volunteer.

So, if you’ve been thinking you got ‘potluck’ when you hired your pastor and his wife came along – think again. You have been given the woman God called to your church. And He never makes mistakes.

The next time you are making your signature dish for the potluck, say a prayer for your pastor’s wife, thanking God for giving her – a gift to your church.

James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.


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