Hope, Flowers, and Rain

Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;
    his going out is sure as the dawn;
he will come to us as the showers,
    as the spring rains that water the earth.” Hosea 6:3


I am now ready for winter to be over. Don’t get me wrong – I love snow. I love winter. The beauty of snow on the landscape covering the dull colors left by fall, the telltale tracks left in the snow that tell me just how many critters cross my backyard when I’m not looking, and even the twinkle of ice when the sun shines through the trees fill my heart with joy. Our God, our Creator has given us so much beauty. And that beauty encourages my heart.

But four months is enough. The end of winter snows are tainted by dirt, the ice has become treacherous, and the melting snows show the unretrieved newspapers and garbage blown this way and that by harsh winds. Winter is no longer beautiful.

Sometimes, our lives are like that. We struggle very hard to keep at it, doing what needs to be done, but our lives begin to fill with dirt and garbage. We need to repent, cleaning the dirt and garbage from our hearts and turning back to walking closely with our Lord. We need God’s refreshment.

Hosea tells the nation of Israel that God will restore them after years of judgment. God’s desire is for them to want His fellowship and to serve Him. With that hope Hosea reminds Israel they can be confident that God will restore them because of His character, His faithfulness, and His power. He is as certain as the sunrise and will give life-giving rain.

All of us need to remember, after the darkness of winter, that spring is coming. Rain showers will begin washing away the dirt and grime left by winter and awakening dormant bulbs. New life will soon be pushing up through the ground as crocuses, tulips, daffodils, and snowdrops reach their smiling faces to the sun. The sound of singing birds will fill the air.

As winter slowly leaves, take some time to examine your hearts. Confess your sins (I John 1:9) and meditate on the beauty of God. Ask for His healing and direction in your life.

And let us press on to know our God. Let His refreshment come to us as well as to the beautiful creation around us. And let us desire His fellowship and seek ways to serve Him.


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