Sunday Prayer

My husband leaves early on Sunday morning to prepare the church building for our services, and the kids and I arrive about three hours later for the second service. During that morning preparation time, I know he is there preparing his heart and getting ready to serve our people through his gift of teaching and preaching. 

I know the best way I can support him during this time is through praying purposefully for him before (and while) he is preaching and also for our people that we shepherd as they receive the Word that is preached. There is much more happening in the spiritual realm than what our eyes can see.

God is not bound by time so I know His Spirit goes before us into our day to “prepare the way” for us. There are good works prepared in advance for us to do (Eph. 2:10). I ask God to show me how HHe is at work today and for Him to help me join in what He is already doing. I want to be in line with what the Spirit is doing, not simply operate out of my own insights or wisdom. This helps me to listen for His voice and to be expectant that He will show me how He’s working.

So I am praying ahead of my husband and for the people who are waking up, many of them deciding whether or not they will attend church that morning. God has a message for them if they will just come! I pray against the devil using excuses to prevent them from coming. I pray that He gives them resolve to come, no matter what preparations need to be made (getting three kids dressed, fed, and out the door!) I pray against social anxiety and the fears many people have about being in crowds. 

I will text my husband parts of this prayer to encourage him and help him feel supported. I try to be specific and pointed, perhaps using a verse as a basis for that prayer. The battle has begun for the hearts of people and I sense that tension poignantly. The devil does not want our people to come to know Christ for the first time, or grow in maturity, or go out and bear fruit for the kingdom. But I can forcefully engage this opposition in prayer! 

This is a prayer that I have typed and printed out so that each Sunday I can pray this over my husband and our congregation. Almost every line is based on Scripture and I know that if I am praying God’s Word that it is powerful and effective. Without God working in all of our hearts, a Sunday service merely becomes a social gathering. People would come to be entertained or approach church as a spectator-sport. No deep heart-work would be happening without prayer. 

You could print this out, put it in your Bible, and take it to church. I often sit in the back and pray. I can look around and see who is there and plead with the Lord for them! You could use this as a launching pad for your prayers during the service. Pray and watch God move! We are merely jars of clay that God uses “to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Cor.4:7). 

So this is what I pray each Sunday:

God Most High, 

Let Your name be exalted on earth as it is lifted up in heaven. Exalt Your name in the hearts of our people; extend Your kingdom in our world – our sphere of influence (Matt. 6:9-10). As my husband prepares to preach Your Word this morning, let Your Spirit go before him into the hearts of his hearers (Ex. 23:20, Ps. 85:13). Prepare their hearts to receive Your Word like good, fertile soil (Lk 8:15). Only You, Lord, can do the deep heart transformations! 

Let Your Word go forth from my husband’s mouth and bring life, set people free, and water the seeds already planted (1 Cor. 3:6). I pray that the gospel would speed ahead and be honored (2 Thess. 3:1). Let the knowledge of You go out in joy and be led forth in peace. Let the hearts of Your people burst into praise before You (Is. 55:12). 

Revive our worship today as we sing as a congregation. May we ascribe to You glory due Your name! May we worship You in the splendor of Your holiness (Ps. 29:2). May our people catch a vision of You, high and exalted, seated on Your throne (Is. 6:1). Let our worship this morning be filled with awe and wonder. If they could see You for who You really are, their hearts would be thrilled (2 Chron. 18:18)! I pray against a spirit of boredom or apathy. I pray for renewed vigor in worship. I pray for repentance and confession of sin. I pray for the fullness of the Holy Spirit in each heart that knows you (Lk 11:13, Eph. 3:19). 

If there are unbelievers in attendance today, I pray that the Holy Spirit would be stirring in their hearts – stirring conviction but also drawing them to Yourself. It’s Your kindness, Lord, that leads us to repentance (Rom. 2:4). I pray that they will bow the knee to King Jesus and exclaim, “God is really among you!” (1 Cor. 14:24-25). “My heart’s desire and prayer for them is that they may be saved” (Rom. 10:1). There’s no power in human charisma or personality that can save people but only by the power of the Holy Spirit working in their hearts (1 Cor. 2: 4-5). 

I pray that every time my husband opens his mouth that words may be given to him to proclaim the mystery of the gospel with boldness (Eph. 6:18-19). Grant him the ability to speak Your Word with all boldness (Acts 4:29) for Your name’s sake. Give him wisdom to apply Your Word to necessary and urgent situations (James 1:5). Give him wisdom beyond his age and experience to be able to counsel those who come to him in need (James 3:17). 

I pray that after Your Word is preached that it would bear good fruit (Ez. 17:8) and produce a hundred-fold crop (Matt. 13:8). I pray that our people would not merely be hearers of the Word only, but would go forth and be doers (James 1:22). Let them not be deceived in thinking that if they just come to church that it is enough! There are a lot of people who are charmed by the Bible but not enough people who are changed by it! I pray that everyone listening to the Word preached today would internalize what is being said and walk away changed. I pray that they would go out from this place on mission! Do whatever it takes, Lord, to get the MOST glory from our lives!

In Jesus name, Amen!

4 Replies to “Sunday Prayer”

  1. Thanks Chelsea, for the beautiful insight and incredibly powerful, scripture-filled prayer! Your post reveals one of the most important roles we have as Pastors wives, that of praying for our husbands and the precious people in our churches! Think about what could happen if we all prayed this way every week!

  2. I’ve felt a road block with our church recently and just two days ago felt God nudging me to pray more diligently and specifically. This post is so timely! Thank you Chelsea. The words of your weekly prayer are weapons against the enemy and I will definitely be using them.

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