Seeing 2020 Through God’s Eyes

My daughter, as a student and as a teacher, has always loved the start of a new school year. New, clean pages in notebooks. A clean calendar waiting for new entries. A new classroom. She must get that trait from me, because I love a new year. A new planner, a new start – this year I’m going to eat healthy and exercise. Throw in drinking enough water and getting up every 30 minutes at work to walk, and those take care of the physical me.

God has also been speaking to me about being obedient to Him. I recently read Rosaria Butterfield’s book, The Gospel Comes with a House Key. Her book has challenged me to think of how I can be more hospitable in 2020. Then, this morning in my quiet time, I read I Peter 4:9:

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. (ESV)


Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. (NLT)

While Rosaria’s book focuses on being hospitable to strangers (Hebrews 13:2 “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”), Peter is speaking to believers about helping other believers. Either way, hospitality knows no bounds. We should offer hospitality to anyone.

I’m not really good at this, so I’m going to start slow. I decided I could make a pot of soup and invite my neighbors over to get acquainted. We usually just chat when we are outside mowing, gardening, or weeding. How much deeper our conversations could go if we take the time to chat over a meal. I need to set aside my fears and just do it.

I’ve made a goal for myself (again, starting slow). Every two months, I’m going to invite someone to my home for dessert. Or a meal. Or a chat. I can do this.

How about you? If you are already making excuses in your head about why you can’t do it, read those verses above again. It is alright to start slow – as long as you move forward.

May I suggest you start with inviting your pastor and wife over some evening? Or, if your house is small and their family is large, take them all out for pizza! 

I’d love to hear how you are blessed through being hospitable in 2020.

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