Steady Hands 

Exodus 17:12 “But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.”

Several times recently, I’ve read about the story of Israel fighting against the Amalekites as Moses kept the staff of God held high on the hill during the battle.  

The people of Israel were quarreling and grumbling because they were thirsty and had no water. They were angry at Moses. Moses prayed to the Lord and obeyed His command to strike the rock with his staff. Water flowed from the rock and the people were satisfied. Ah. Peace at last. But, wait! Now Amalek came to fight with the nation of Israel. Moses sent Joshua and his men to battle the Amalekites while he climbed the hill and raised the staff of God. This is the same staff that struck the rock from which God provided the water. It was a symbol of God’s faithfulness as well as His power. 

Most scholars consider the raising of hands as an attitude of prayer. Moses prayed to God for victory in the battle to show God’s might. Standing where the warriors could see him, holding the staff high, Moses reminded them they served the One True God. 

But his hands grew weary. While his hands were raised, Israel prevailed. When he lowered his hands, Amalek prevailed. Those with him provided a place for Moses to sit and rest. They took on the task of keeping his hands raised till the end of the battle. What a beautiful picture of praying and actively working for the Lord. 

This is a reminder that you need to be in prayer for the leaders in your church – and that includes your pastor’s wife. Not everyone can be a Moses, but we can be like Aaron and Hur, the two men who helped hold up Moses’ hands as he obeyed God. Do you want growth in your church? Do you want people to grow in their faith? Men and women to teach faithfully? Couples to have strong, happy marriages? More people to attend? More children in Sunday School? Are you praying for your church and leaders?

Have you ever seen your pastor or your pastor’s wife looking weary? Have you helped them find some rest? Have you held up their hands to give them the strength to endure? Have you steadied their hands as they serve the church? Have you prayed for them? 

Take time today to pray for your church, your pastor, and the pastor’s wife.

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