God is ABLE

“God is able to make ALL grace abound to you, so that having ALL sufficiency in ALL things at ALL times, you may abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8 (emphasis mine)

This is my theme verse for the new year and it is posted in my kitchen window as a daily reminder to rely on God’s grace, not on my own strength. I need His strength every minute of every day in order to walk in the Spirit and not in my flesh.

I have three kids (ages 8, 6, and 1) and I homeschool the older two. There are many times a day when I just want some quiet time and my own space. I have many things that I want to accomplish and a list of things I need to get done. But everyday, “It is his strength that gives us what we need in order to nurture life in the face of death and through a million deaths-to-self each day” (The Pastor’s Wife by Gloria Furman, pg. 11). A mother has to die a thousand deaths-to-self everyday as she lays down her preferences, privacy, and possessions for her children.

There are many tasks required of me each day that I do not have the strength to do out of my own abilities, energy, or creativity. I am often stretched to do things out of my comfort zone as I “wear many hats” around the church. The Lord is so gracious to give me help and wisdom like Solomon requested. I pray for wisdom beyond my age and experience. “From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1-2).

A mother and a pastor’s wife give of themselves everyday, often from a place of emptiness. But God does not give us hypothetical grace for a hypothetical future, nor for hypothetical situations. He gives us ABUNDANT grace for each moment so that we may ABOUND in every good work. Abundance means that I will not be merely surviving a season, but thriving through every season of life. So I will be fully present in each moment with my children and not see them as interruptions. I will be fully present with the woman after church who wants to have a longer conversation. I will be fully present with the Lord in each moment as He is working out my salvation so that Christ is formed in me (Phil. 2:12; Gal. 4:19)!

If you do not have a theme verse to memorize and meditate on this year, feel free to steal this one and put it in your kitchen window! I pray that God’s grace may abound in your life this year so that you are equipped for every good work!

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