Praying for Our Children’s Future Spouses

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. Proverbs 31:10

One afternoon my husband came home from a lunch meeting with a young man from our church. “How did it go?” I asked.

“It went well,” he replied. “He’s wrestling a bit. He feels God has called him to full-time ministry.”

I voiced my thought immediately, “I’d better start praying for his wife.”

No, this young man wasn’t married yet; and, in fact, he hadn’t dated anyone all through the time we had known him as a teenager. But if this was God’s call, I knew how important it was going to be that he would have a wife who would support him and who would be the right fit to serve God with him.

As pastors’ wives we know how ministry intersects with and defines everything we do. Similar to how a doctor’s life and schedule alters the way his family operates, we know we need to be in this ministry life full throttle if it’s going to work.

How important it is, then, that prayers be made for the future spouses of anyone considering work in ministry. How important it is for anyone.

Before my girls were born, I began praying for their future husbands. No matter what their husband’s professions are, I want them to be godly men who will cherish and honor my daughters as Christ loves the church. Prayer is a powerful means of directing our children in this all-important decision.

Watch in two weeks* for a Scripture prayer guide to use as a resource as you pray for your children’s future spouses.

And that young man? God led him to the perfect wife for him, and they are serving God together. Prayer works!

Lord, next to following You, whom they choose to marry will be the most important decision my children will make. Keep me faithful to praying for them and their future spouses. Amen.

*This article is an example of what we offer in our devotional, Love, Joy & Faithfulness: A 90 Day Devotional for the Pastor’s Wife, which can be purchased using the link on the left. Look for the prayer guide a couple of weeks from now.

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