A Continual Call to Come

When my children were younger, it didn’t matter where we were; one of them would inevitably wander off or get distracted. I would call, “Come back,” or “Come this way,” to the child. It was a continual call “to come” to bring them back to myself. 

As children of God, we have the same tendency to wander, get distracted, carry our burdens, use our own words in sharing the gospel, or neglect coming into His presence. 

In His mercy, He tenderly calls us back to Himself. A continual call to come to Him is extended to us and seen throughout Scripture. Here are just a few examples: 

The Continual Call to Come When the Burdens Get Heavy

When burdened, I try to fix things with my strength and quickly become weary. Then I hear in my spirit, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 KJV). I must come back to my Creator. The One who knows me and where I can find rest in a time of need. I must cast my every care upon Him (1 Peter 5:6-7,10). He is the One who will sustain me (and you, too!) through my burdens as I come to Him in prayer.  

The Continual Call to Come by Becoming Fishers of Men

We are called to share the gospel with others (Mark 16:15-16), but first, we are called to come to Christ as it says in Mark 1:17, and He will make us fishers of men. As we spend time with the Lord in prayer, He gives us wisdom on how to share His words with others. We must pray for our mouths to be open and boldly speak the gospel (Ephesians 6:19).

The Continual Call to Come into His Presence

After Noah built the ark, God didn’t say to GO into the ark; He said, “…come into the ark” (Genesis 6:18 KJV). God was calling Noah and his family to a place where He already was, which was in the ark. It was a call to come and be with the One true God during the destruction of the world and where safety was provided. 

As Christians, when we hear His call to come unto Him in prayer, we will find safety and strength to face the world we live in. In His presence, we will obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. We are called to “come boldly unto the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16 KJV).

Do you hear the continual call “to come” from God, whether it be to cast your burdens at His feet, become fishers of men, or continually dwell in His presence?  

May we not wander away or get distracted but rather stay focused on answering His continual call to come by dwelling in His presence in prayer; that is where it all begins. 

One Reply to “A Continual Call to Come”

  1. What a simple but beautiful call to “come”! I love how coming into the ark shows a coming into His presence. As I read that part about God telling Moses to come into the ark, it made me things about how the ark of the covenant brings us to Him, as well. I never thought about that connection before. Thanks for sharing, Kate.

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