What I Learned through Recent Struggles

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing,” 1 Thessalonians 5:11. 

During the last six months, I have been struggling with health issues which have made life difficult. I’m not at 100% yet, but during the last few weeks I have felt more and more encouraged that I will get there. Here are a few encouragements for you from what I have learned.

Prayer is essential – not just for me to pray as the one needing God’s intervention, but to hear that others are praying for me. Over and over again, someone would send a card, a text, or an email to let me know they were praying for me. These arrived at God’s perfect time to encourage me. Such a simple comment of, “I’m praying for you,” brought comfort to my heart. It confirmed that I was not alone in my walk. That I was being remembered. That I had an army of warriors protecting me.

I’m convinced that, while we pray in secret, there is nothing wrong with letting people know that they are being brought before the throne of Grace, that they are being remembered. It is a simple way to encourage someone that they are not alone. This includes your prayers for your pastor’s wife. Don’t hesitate to share your support for them. They need your encouragement as much, if not more, than the rest of us.

Communication is appreciated. There were moments during my illness that I could not respond to texts or emails. However, eventually I was able to read them and be encouraged. It was best when there were no questions to answer, but I could simply read the message. Telling me how they were doing, a funny story about their child, a comment that made me smile. It is wonderful to smile when you feel miserable.

Acts of service are appreciated. When I was in the hospital, a piano student’s family sent a balloon saying Get Well. I smiled every time I looked at it. My co-workers sent a plant that brought smiles and comfort. At home, two more bouquets brought cheer and beauty. Special treats (truffles, gift bags, meals) helped me through rough days. It was amazing how these all came at different times right when they were the most encouraging. God often leads us that way. The willingness of church family and friends to come stay with me when I couldn’t be alone amazed me. And the joys people expressed when I was able to return to church touched my heart.

When a thought comes to your mind, “I should send her a card,” DO IT! Don’t make the Holy Spirit remind you again (and He will). Listen to His prompting. The timing will be perfect. I haven’t always done a good job with responding, but I want to do a better job. Will you join me?


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