A Promise for Troubled Times (A HOPE-Filled Scripture)

There are days when trouble seems to come knocking from the minute I crawl out of bed. It can be little, insignificant things like not being able to find my slippers or burning my breakfast that get to me, or it can be larger issues like remembering I forgot to pay a bill or do something equally important the day before. Nothing goes the way I think it should and it seems the day is ruined before it barely starts. 

Thankfully, life is not always what it seems to be and a simple change of attitude can change a day of gloom into a day of bloom. This might sound a little silly and simplistic but it is a good representation of how my day changes when I take all the troubles, both large and small, that threaten to overwhelm me and ruin my day and hand them over to God.

Psalm 50:15 says, “call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” This verse is just as applicable to my everyday troubles as it is to larger, life-changing events. If I call upon the Lord, He will deliver me. I don’t need to wallow in my problems; instead I need to call upon God and hand them over to Him. This isn’t always easy to do but what a difference it makes! 

God has given us His promise. When we call upon Him, He will deliver us and, in response, we will glorify Him. He replaces the winter of my bad attitude and dark thoughts with the bursting forth of joy, like spring flowers with their petals reaching sunward in praise to their Creator. In the depths of winter there is no sign that anything is alive under the soil, but when spring comes the blooms burst forth in a riot of colour and beauty. So too does my day and attitude change when I remember that God has promised to deliver me from my trouble.

If a cure for all our daily troubles was marketed to the general public and it proved to be efficient, the world would praise the inventor. That person would become famous with their name known far and wide. Our God has done so much more. How can we not glorify Him? May we praise him joyfully as He changes our days of gloom into days of bloom.

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