A Thanksgiving Table

Dear Pastor’s Wife, we are delighted that you choose to join us in this online community!! We’re thankful for you, and that’s prompted us to start our Thanksgiving celebration a little early with reflections, decor, and recipes centered around Thanksgiving this week. Today’s focus is on decorations!

~the Flowers team

As you decorate for Thanksgiving, here’s a suggestion for your table. Make a 3-D collage of things for which you are thankful.  My project started with a doily crocheted by my grandmother. If you don’t have something sentimental, make something.

A plain runner decorated by children or grandchildren with their artwork or their handprints would be special. Or start a tradition and have family and guests write on a runner the things for which they are thankful this year. Be creative!

I purchased a long swag of fall leaves at a garage sale. You can use other artificial leaves or have the kids color and cut out leaves. Just a few here and there will bring the fall colors to your table.

One of the pieces in my collage is a church – to represent my church family who bless me and pray for me. Thankful for them! It also represents my job as the Director of Operations at Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA). We plant and strengthen churches in small towns and rural locations in the United States. I am very thankful for my work, ministry, coworkers, and mission with RHMA.

You can see a picture of my family in the collage. Smaller frames here and there fill in the gaps with my parents and grandparents. I’m thankful for the legacy of godly ancestors and for my family who are growing in the Lord.

Two Bibles, belonging to my mom and grandma, are included in the collage. I’m thankful for godly women who spoke into my life. On top of the Bibles is a pocket watch. I’m thankful for the time that God is giving me to continue to serve Him and to enjoy His blessings.

A few Christmas ornaments illustrate my love for the four seasons. I love Spring, Fall, and Winter and the beauty they bring. I’m thankful for where I live and the changes of the seasons.

The cute little house shows that I am thankful for my cute little house, although, it doesn’t look at all like the one in the picture.

The teacup stands for my friends and spending time with them. Thankful for the people God has brought into my life.

And in the back is a book on gardening, a tiny chair with a book open on it, and a bouquet of lavender. I’m thankful that God has given me hobbies and time to enjoy reading, my book club, gardening, and growing herbs.

In the evenings, the candle lights the table and reminds me of God’s abundant blessings.

I hope you enjoy thinking through how to show all the things for which you are thankful this season. Make it special and personal.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Part 2 of Thanksgiving Series
Part 1 {Remember the Purpose}
Part 3 {Thanksgiving Brunch}

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