Advent Devotional – 2018

Advent Devotional

By, Mel B.

During this busy time of year, I am juggling decorating, buying the right gifts, spending time online to find the best deals, baking the traditional recipes and trying to include new ones . . . all to do Christmas “right”. I forget that it is about caring for people “right”. I need to take time to think of people to thank . . . the neighbors, the hairdresser, the mail person . . . and do something extra for my own family. I want to bake for them, to make something special like a card or treat, and to spend time together doing an advent devotional, talking and listening with them, as well as taking my own personal time for the Lord.  

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

Dear God, keep my heart available for someone who needs a hug or smile or an encouraging word. Align my focus on what you want me to spend my time and money on to do what is right, love mercy, and stay close to you. Let me see the opportunities to give joy, hope and healing to those around me without compromising my own family.

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