Broken and Poured Out

Isn’t it frustrating when you spill something? Maybe it’s that cup of coffee you have been waiting so impatiently for, maybe it’s the gravy during family dinner, or maybe it is just a glass of water. It really doesn’t matter, does it? What a mess! The liquid goes everywhere and, just when you think you have it contained, you realize that there is still some headed halfway across the table. A spill is just one of those things that gets into each little crack and crevice and it is hard to control. 

A few weeks ago I was sitting alone in the sanctuary of our church and I started to think of how Jesus’ love spills over everyone and everything, covering our sins and filling us with His unfathomable forgiveness and grace. In Mark 14:22-24 we read about the last supper and how Jesus broke the bread and poured the wine and then explained how we are to continue to do this in remembrance of Him. It says, “And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, ‘Take; this is my body.’ And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. And he said to them, ‘This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.’” Although, like all of us, I have heard these verses many, many times, I have never thought of them in such a visual fashion before.

Jesus’ body was a broken vessel, from which His love poured out, not like something carefully poured from a spout, but with rapid and random abandon, spreading in all directions. It could not be contained. It did not pour out neatly. It covered everyone and everything in its way with His precious love and promise of salvation to all who believed. It could not be controlled, hemmed in, or stopped by anyone opposed to the sharing of the gospel and God’s love for His creation. His blood was poured out for “the many ” and the offer of forgiveness and salvation that God has put into motion through the shedding of Jesus’ blood will be seen through to its completion. It still continues to pour, even today, over all of creation, offering forgiveness and redemption. 

I am reminded of the spill that spreads and gets into each crevice and crack. Just like that spill, God’s love flows to reach each of us where we are at – the hardened sinner, the abandoned child, the tired mom, the work-weary dad, the forgotten widow. It flows to each and every one of us and fills our own unique cracks and crevices, those places where we ache and feel empty. Then, instead of remaining empty spaces, they are filled with His love, grace, and mercy. Jesus was broken and His love spilled out with abandon for ALL of us. For me, and for you. 

Taking it Further:

We each have our own unique cracks and crevices that only Jesus can heal and fill. Can you think of a time when Jesus filled an empty space in your life? Comment below.


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