Cheerleading {Part 1}

I smile as I think of the cheerleaders I knew in high school. (Hi! A ‘96 high school grad from Ohio here!) I remember their confidence and enthusiasm as they led the crowd in cheering for their team.

I was never a high school cheerleader, but as the wife of a small-town, rural, church-planting pastor, it’s a privilege to cheer for my husband as his biggest fan in front of our children, congregation, and community.

Here are five ways we as pastors’ wives (PWs) can keep the cheer in our ministry routine. Join me as I lead my first pastor’s-wife cheer!

Count it a joy to serve together
Hear his heart
Be Elastic
Reconcile quickly

Over the next four weeks, we’ll look at each segment of this cheer, but today let’s zero in on the first phrase:


I’m fascinated by the example of Aquila and Priscilla in scripture (Acts 18). Paul takes the time in Romans 16:3-4 to thank this couple for serving well together. He describes them as “my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well.”

The blessing of a couple who enjoys serving together is the potential of a louder and longer reverberation.


So how do we PWs take joy in serving together with our husbands? Consider trying some of these suggestions from other PWs:

*Let your church family see that you enjoy your PW role. Smile as you have real, sincere conversations. If you don’t enjoy your role, it’ll soon be obvious to your husband, children, church family, etc.

*Ask yourself, “Are we thriving or just surviving in the ministry God has called us to as a couple?” If the answer is “surviving,” then pray, analyze why, and take necessary steps to change this answer.

*Plan, strategize, dream, and make goals together.

*Help him plan outreach and ministry events. Make it fun!

*Pray for him before and during counseling sessions.

Denna praying for Kurt as he counsels

*Counsel together if he asks. My friend Sarah enjoys counseling with her husband and says, “We can support each other’s advice because we know each other’s hearts.”

*Plan fun dates and be thankful for whatever time you may have together.

*Use “SOS” (slide over sweetheart) when traveling together in the car if there’s a middle front seat.

* Visit people and attend community events, such as sports games and music programs, as a couple. My friend Nellie says, “We have met so many in our community just by stopping in and saying, ‘Hi.’”

*Adopt the Ruth Cheer. A small-town PW from Wyoming says, “I love that it feels like we do everything together. Where he goes, I go. I enjoy being by my husband’s side.”

Denna & Kurt visiting a church together for a funeral

*Cheer him through trials. My husband was diagnosed with diabetes several years ago. It was rough until my girlfriends started praying for me to have joy in the kitchen. I have had so much fun researching food he can enjoy while keeping his blood sugar level stable. Keri, my friend and fellow Nebraska PW, recently cheered her husband on through 38 cancer treatments within 38 days. She was right by his side when he rang the bell at the hospital to symbolize completion of treatments.

*Clean his study space. Make it a great place for him to study God’s Word, counsel, and visit with others; include your kids for some great dad-and-kid time.

*Pray for him as he studies God’s Word and outlines his sermons.

*Offer to look over his sermon before Sunday and give grammar, flow, and illustration helps.

*Plan the worship music together to fit with his sermon.

*Share with him how his ministry blesses you. My friend Lois has served as a small-town PW for 40 plus years. She reminds us to tell our husbands what we learn from the sermons, rather than pointing out mistakes. She says, “We don’t need to tell him every negative thing we hear or even think about people. Let’s protect our husband from having to control his thoughts and attitude as he works to love and guide the sheep.”

Lois and Al

Let’s say it again! “Count it a joy to serve together!”

Part 1 of 4
Part 2
– Part 3
– Part 4

4 Replies to “Cheerleading {Part 1}”

  1. Denna, I absolutely love the pictures of you and Kurt! It’s fun to see you ministering together. I also appreciated some simple ideas to count it joy in serving together!

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