Discipleship Preparations: Inward Focus  

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Tim. 3:16-17


I feel a smile form as I watch the young mom in my church chase her three, small children around.. Only 8 years ago, that young mom was me. I remember the fun of seeing my children’s budding personalities, the nights of cuddling and rocking them to sleep, and the overwhelming sense of new love as each one was born. Yet, in the midst of strolling through memory lane, my mind wanders to the hardship, the loneliness, the desperate prayer for guidance as I gasped for air, drowning in this new layer of womanhood. I remember wondering if anyone noticed that I wasn’t as good as the next mom, or that I hadn’t wiped my children’s faces after breakfast, or that I’d tiredly yelled instead of softly taught them this morning; but mostly I wondered if I was simply being a good mom. Different women would come into my life for a moment to give encouragement or advice, but then disappear as quickly as they came. Oh, how my heart longed for them to stay.

Not for one moment do I believe they purposely caused discouragement, because now that I stand in this place ready to be that woman, the fears they must have felt pile in my own mind. “What if I’m not good enough? What if they reject my love for them? What if I’m not prepared to answer it all? What if…”

Yet, then, in His ever loving, never failing way, He answers through His Word,

“Sarah, I did not give this ministry to show your wisdom and great ability. I give this ministry to show My wisdom, My ability. You will not do this through your own strength, but through the strength I give you. They will not be words of wisdom from your mouth, but words of wisdom from Mine.”


God’s discipleship command to us does not need to feel as though He has stranded us in the middle of the desert, hoping for the teaching skills to magically appear or the wisdom to skillfully initiate deep conversations. Instead, God gives several internal preparations to guide our hearts away from doubts and answer the questions crowding our anxious minds.

Preparation #1–Minister through His Wisdom:


“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Tim. 3:16-17


Ladies, we don’t have to have the answers to every life question. In fact, we are told not to lean on our own wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-6). God has given it all in His complete and perfect Word. It is a burden lifted to know that His wisdom is there for the taking. Yet, we must do just that. We must take, grasp, and hold onto God’s Word allowing it to mature us, change us, and affect us. Just as we do not begin a new job without training and preparation, so we cannot begin the God-given job of discipleship without training. I encourage you to prepare. Be in God’s Word. And be ready to give an answer.

Prepare yourself to use God’s Wisdom and not your own.

Preparation #2–Keep Watch on Your Maturity


In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul gives his mentee invaluable advice for personal accountability.

“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity…practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.”  (1 Tim. 4:12 & 15)


The idea of keeping watch on our own maturity is not a prideful act but is an accountability of our walk before God. As those ministering the gospel, we are being watched. Yet, instead of spurning those watching eyes could we allow those to be moments of example? Notice, Paul does not mention perfection in this passage. He only refers to progression. We are to let people see progression in our lives, so that they in turn are encouraged in the progression of their own spiritual walks. Progression tackles hardship; show them publicly how hardship is born through God’s promises. Progression tackles hurt; show publicly how God’s love covers hurt and brings forgiveness. Progression tackles failure; show publicly how God is faithful in your failures. You who have progressed further in your Christian walk have the unique privilege to support and walk alongside those who are a few steps behind.

Prepare yourself for public displays of progress.

Preparation #3–Loving Action


“Let all you do be done in love…” (1 Cor. 16:14)


The women God brings into your life are much more than checkmarks on the Christian to-do list. They are sisters in Christ struggling toward maturity and a deepening relationship with Christ. Discipleship must be an action driven by true, selfless, commanded love for our sisters. There will come times that we don’t feel like discipling. There will come times when fatigue will overwhelm us. Yet, in those moments it will be the love we have for our sisters and the pure example of love from Christ that fuels our desire to minister to their hearts.

Prepare your ministry to be driven by love.

Dear Friends, as God tugs at our hearts to obey Him in discipleship let us not allow fear and doubt to pull at our hearts, keeping us from the joy that God has for us in obedience. Let us instead grasp hold of preparation through His Word, in personal progression, and in active love as we “consider how to stir one another up to good works” (Heb. 10:24).


Next:  Intentional Discipleship: Obeying the Command



2 Replies to “Discipleship Preparations: Inward Focus  ”

  1. Excellent counsel from God’s Word, Sarah! I love how you talked about “progression” as opposed to “perfection”. I believe that discipleship means you live in a real way with others, which means showing how God is continually working on us and encouraging others to come along with us in our journey as we come alongside them. Thanks for such concise and practical instruction on this topic.

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