You may have found this site a bit by accident. You’re not a pastor’s wife. Your husband doesn’t lead a ministry in a small-town, rural setting.

But we’re glad you’re here, and we have some resources just for you!

[button url=”” label=”Flowers for MY Pastor’s Wife” color=”#2a9a75″] {Blog posts about how you can encourage your own pastor’s wife}

[button url=”” label=”Friday Flowers” color=”#2a9a75″] {Devotionals to encourage your heart}

Chances are, you have a pastor’s wife – someone a lot like us!

We can almost certainly guarantee that your pastor’s wife loves you, loves her ministry, loves serving in your church family.

But we can also guarantee that she is human! She’s not perfect. She makes mistakes. She gets lonely.

This is where, if we could, we would love to sit down with you forĀ a cup of coffee (or tea) and let you in on a little secret.

Your pastor’s wife needs you.

She needs your encouragement.

Your prayers.

Your understanding and forgiveness.

Your acceptance of who she is and the ways God has gifted her to serve. She needs YOUR willingness to serve alongside her.

Trust me, we don’t all play piano or love children’s ministry or have the gifts to organize a ladies’ retreat. We need YOU and the gifts God has given you.

[button url=”” label=”Flowers for MY Pastor’s Wife” color=”#2a9a75″] {Blog posts about how you can encourage your own pastor’s wife}

[button url=”” label=”Friday Flowers” color=”#2a9a75″] {Devotionals to encourage your heart}