Encouraging Pastors’ Wives

Children are great encouragers. We could learn from them. I love to watch the children in my small church as they go to their Sunday School classes. They are always so excited to see their teacher and give a hug.

If you get hugs regularly, you may not realize how precious they can be. When your mom lives 1,000 miles away, you don’t get many ‘mom hugs’ and you long to feel those loving arms around you at times.

I’ve asked some pastors’ wives to tell us some of the ways they have been encouraged by people in their churches and communities. One shared the following:

“One of the sweetest memories I have . . . was a lady who would give the BEST hugs! She treated me like a sister in Christ and not just a pastor’s wife. She would pay attention to stressful times, stop me, and say that she loved me, loved our friendship, and wanted to give me a hug. It was so simple, but I truly miss those hugs during stressful days . . . encouraging your pastor’s wife can be as simple as knowing when she needs a hug.”


Encouragement doesn’t have to cost money, but it will take effort. Pay attention to what is happening in the lives of others; read the exhaustion, pain, joy, or loneliness in the face of your pastors’ wife. Be discerning. Be sensitive.

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent . . . Philippians 1:9-10


And always be ready to come alongside her and give her the BEST hug – where she can feel your love and friendship.

2 Replies to “Encouraging Pastors’ Wives”

  1. Thank you so much for this article, Lynnette! As I read your article, I thought of a difficult time my husband and I were going through not that long ago and a woman I respect highly asked me how I was doing – I turned into a blubbering mess and she just hugged me. It meant the world to me! Those hugs are so important to me!

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