Flowers for MY Pastor’s Wife


They have to be one of God’s special gifts. From beautiful bouquets delivered to my doorstep to a sweet little wildflower blooming in the middle of prairie grasses, they never fail to make me smile and praise our Creator.

I marvel at the blue cornflowers and Queen Anne’s lace that line the roadway as I travel to work.

I’m surprised by joy at the crocus that pop up through the snow even before Spring arrives.

I breathe deeply of the smell of lilacs as I stand on my front step.

I get excited at the blooms on the fruit trees and vegetable plants knowing I will soon have a bounty of food at my fingertips.

I admire the perfection of that last rose of the season which leaves me with the promise of more to come.

Flowers bring cheer on the difficult days – and joy on any day.

We all need encouragement to help us through this life that we live in a fallen world. This website is committed to bringing encouragement to pastors’ wives, especially those who live and work in small towns and rural places. Although pastors’ wives are just like you and me, they frequently have unique demands on their time and energy.

Often, they need encouragement. And who better to encourage them than those of us who call them “my pastor’s wife”?

“Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.” I Thessalonians 5:11

As we begin the new year, let’s be sweet flowers that bring encouragement, smiles, and a pleasant fragrance to our sisters in the Lord!

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