Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty

True Grit.

How would you describe the word “grit”?

  • small, loose particles of stone or sand
  • courage and resolve; strength of character
  • clenching (the teeth), especially to keep one’s resolve when faced with an unpleasant or painful duty

I recently read a newsletter written by a pastor’s wife about the everyday things happening in their small, rural community. As I read, the word ‘grit’ came to mind. Amid celebrations for birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations, the family endured grit. (small, loose particles of stone or sand – the kind that irritate and annoy). These can be illness, drama, gossip, worries, or difficult attacks on the ministry of the church.

As she shared about living and raising a family in a culture completely different from how she was raised, I saw her grit. (courage and resolve; strength of character) The joy and accomplishments of her children in hobbies and activities strange to many of us not living in rural settings permeated her news. It takes courage to embrace the unknown. It takes strength of character to thrive in the unfamiliar.

I’m sure she encounters many times when she grits her teeth to keep her resolve when faced with gossip, or drama, or loneliness in being far from family. Or fiery darts sent from the enemy.

And yet, it all comes back to her courage and strength of character, because she is grounded in the Word of God and knows that “all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27 ESV)

The life of your pastor’s wife includes struggles and sorrows of which you may not be aware. She often carries the burdens of the church alongside her husband. She may bear the marks of vicious gossip or inconsiderate comments. She may not have the option to turn away from an unpleasant or painful duty.

Pray for your pastor’s wife and ask for God to strengthen and encourage her today. And thank Him for giving her True Grit (strength of character based on God’s Word) as she ministers in your community.

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