God’s Gift of Music

I’ve been playing the piano for most of my life. Way before I could reach the pedals, my fingers loved to press the keys, bringing music to my imaginative stories. Butterflies, clouds, and birds fluttered through my mind when I played the high keys while trolls, monsters, and thunderstorms serenaded from the low keys. Years later, lessons began and I learned the theory, techniques, and passion of music.

The impact of music is powerful. When my dad succumbed to Alzheimer’s Disease to the point he no longer knew his family, he still remembered music. One day a local church held a service for the residents where he lived. As we sang The Old Rugged Cross, Mom saw tears running down Dad’s cheeks. He remembered the power of the cross through the power of music.

I find it amazing how music can bring memories swiftly to my mind. Mom was always singing the old tunes and if I hear a familiar phrase, my mind transports me back to the joy of listening to Mom sing.

On Sundays my church family sings together – Christmas carols, the old hymns, newer hymns, and praise songs – praising God with our voices. These, too, bring memories of services and people from years ago.

Rosemary played the organ for many years in my church. She sat with her family on the left side, two rows back. This continued long after she retired and the organ and piano switched sides. I got to know her as my family and I took up residence behind the piano, third row back.

Rosemary shared that I Know Whom I Have Believed was one of her favorite songs, reminding her that God will continue to work in her life. No matter what may happen, what may come, she knew her future was secure in the work of Jesus in her life. She is now with her Savior.

In the Garden reminds me of Jo. Years ago, Jo came to me after the service and thanked me for playing it. She explained it was the song playing the day she walked down the aisle and gave her life to Jesus. The song had opened the floodgates of memories from that day long ago. It encouraged her and gave her renewed hope.

Music. A blessing from the Creator. A gift we too often take for granted. Music is not an invention of man. The morning stars sang together as God laid the foundations of the earth (Job 38:7). The mountains, heavens, and earth will rejoice with singing one day (Isaiah 49:13) and God Himself will rejoice over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).

Lift your voice in praise today. To the Creator. To the Savior. To the Almighty God. Sing the old hymns. Remember His faithfulness. Sing new songs – for He continues to do marvelous things. And wait for the day when we will forever praise Him with joy and music.

“And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.’” Revelation 5:9

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