God’s Perfect Will

Growing up in eastern Ohio I was always considered, “the tall, skinny, shy redhead.”  I stuck out like a sore thumb wherever I went and was usually the one that got in trouble because people could clearly see me!  However, the Lord knew that one day this shy redhead would be called specifically into His plan of being a pastor’s wife.  He would use what I considered my insecurities to bring glory to Himself, shining His light to those around me. 

I had no real desire for spiritual things until I was thirteen, when my grandfather passed away. It was his death that sparked an interest and wonder about what happens after someone passes.  My uncle, who lived in Arizona, came home for his father’s funeral.  My mother had casually mentioned to me that he was a Christian. I had a few moments to chat with him, but he had to leave to go back home.  I began to correspond through letters with him.  Not too long after, he mailed me a piece of paper explaining how I could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  After some time of processing the Bible verses and understanding my spiritual separation from God because of my sin, it led me to a personal experience on July 4, 1995 when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. It was at that moment I knew I was accepted into the beloved, (Ephesians 1:6 KJV) loved, and heaven would be my final destination.  

My senior year of high school the Lord led me to a church which I was able to grow as a Christian, mentored by other godly women. It was also during this time I stood at the crossroads of my life.  After graduation, would I go to a college and fulfill my dream of playing basketball or would I attend a Bible college to further my education in biblical knowledge?  It was a hard choice as two passions burned within me. After much prayer and seeking what the Lord would have me to do, I chose to go to Bible college.   I remember the first week being there.  Emotionally, it was a step of faith for me to go there without ever visiting the campus.  I prayed and the Lord said to go and I did.  It was definitely out of my comfort zone to go and so far away from home! That same week I remember sitting in the gym with new friends I had met.  We were sitting on the bleachers eating our dinner when I caught a glimpse of a young man in the center of the basketball court.  In my heart I felt the Lord say, “you are going to marry him.”  Talk about an awkward moment!  Hardly knowing a soul in the place and there I am, eating my sandwich, and I see this guy and within my heart I knew I was going to marry him. Patience was not my virtue and still isn’t; however, I didn’t do well to wait on the Lord or to understand the importance of resting in the Lord and allowing Him to bring it to fruition.  I just felt, well, if I am going to marry him, he (Daniel) better find out! I wasn’t that direct, but slowly the Lord allowed our paths to cross, and our group of friends merged together.  It was in his freshman year of college he surrendered to a call to preach and to follow the Lord in whatever way He chose. Before I went to college, I remember telling the assistant pastor, “I don’t know what the Lord would have me do, but I want to serve Him full time in the ministry someway, somehow.” Eventually, the Lord brought my husband and I together in our junior year of college.  We graduated in 2004, and I headed back home to eastern Ohio to serve in my local church as an elementary teacher, ( I had graduated with an elementary education degree.)  Daniel went back to Minnesota to be an assistant pastor at an inner-city church. The following year, 2005, we got married.  I then packed my bags, and we loaded our car and headed off to Minnesota to continue serving in the ministry where my husband was working.  I was young and in love and that’s what drove us there to our first position to serve the Lord together.  During that time our eyes were open to many things in the ministry, and we had an opportunity to help run a camp for inner city children.  Three years into our marriage the Lord blessed us with a baby boy and then fifteen months later a baby girl.  I was busy, yet still trying to be a supportive helpmeet for my husband. We served in that ministry for eight years when God called us to go to eastern Ohio where our third baby, a girl, was born.  We served there for two and a half years, and the Lord led us to Northwestern Georgia for two and a half years.  In all those ministries, my husband served as an assistant pastor. It was in 2018 that my husband was called to serve at a church in Northwestern Ohio as their senior pastor.  It was a big change for us going from assistant to the senior pastor, and we are still growing and learning!  

Currently, we serve in a small town of about 2000 people.  We love our church and the people that make up the body of Christ here.  I teach the ladies’ Sunday School class and enjoy that very much. I fill in where necessary and try my best to support my husband in his endeavors as a senior pastor.  We just celebrated our fourth year at the end of May.  We are thankful for the Lord’s working in our life and how He has been faithful and has led us all along the way, one step at a time. 

Looking back on my life I would have never guessed as a little girl that I would have grown up to be a pastor’s wife, but the Lord knew.  He molded, shaped me, and gave me a courage only He could give to fulfill His will. He is still working on me, making me more like Him every day as I yield to Him.  I know within my heart that God has called my husband into the position of being a pastor.  I feel and know that my calling is to be a support and encouragement to Him as He fulfills God’s plan for His life. There are days of bumpy roads, but the Son continues to shine and lead us in His will which is good. I am thankful to know that God’s perfect will included me being a pastor’s wife to my beloved husband. 





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