Help for the Holiday Busyness

We are now entering the busiest time of the year for just about everyone. On top of our normally busy lives, the holiday season brings even more things to do. Shopping, family pictures, Christmas cards, gift buying, gift wrapping, thinking about gifts to buy for too many people, decorating, baking, planning, caroling, concerts, school programs . . . whew!

We learn that we can’t do everything we want to do and reluctantly decide to pick and choose those things that are most important. That option of choosing isn’t always a luxury that pastors and their wives have. What would you think if your pastor’s wife didn’t come to the special Ladies’ Christmas Tea? Or if the pastor didn’t come to carol with the rest of the church? They are usually expected to be at all the church functions.

I always need to be reminded to keep the right perspective during the holidays. They are times to be with family and to share joys with the people God has brought into my life. It is way too easy to get caught up in the busyness and forget why we celebrate. When I was very little, my mother explained to me that there was no Santa Claus and that we celebrate the birth of Jesus which is God’s greatest gift to us. I remember crying because I thought I wouldn’t receive any more gifts. (Don’t worry, I did.)

As I’ve matured, I’ve learned the joy of giving gifts at Christmas and of sharing the gift of Jesus to anyone all year long. If you are trying to think of things to give your Pastor and his family, here are some suggestions:

  • Let them go Christmas shopping for a few hours by taking their kids to your house. That allows them to take the items into their house without needing to sneak!
  • Take their kids shopping for their parents and possibly help them wrap their purchases. Even parents like surprises.
  • In the card you send, tell them how much you appreciate them as your pastor and pastor’s wife.
  • Pray for them – and let them know you are praying for them.
  • If they cannot be with family this year, invite them to your Christmas dinner.
  • Invite any or all of them to come bake cookies and make candies with you and then send them home with a great variety.
  • Be creative and think of how you can encourage them this Christmas season.
  • Give them grace if they don’t show up for every event.


May your December be filled with opportunities to share the love of God.


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17 

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