Incorporating HOPE into My Ministry Marriage: ONE in Hope

Kurt and hope are two of my favorite four-letter words! I used to smile, nod, and put my hope into what my farmer-pastor-husband would say, “Don’t worry Denna, this is just a busy season of ministry like harvest on the farm!” We’ll celebrate our 20th anniversary this Spring (nineteen of those 20 anniversaries being in full-time ministry). I no longer place high hopes in a stable schedule; I make my schedule stable in the highest HOPE.

Biblical hope is refreshingly rigid as our loose longings morph into the certainty of good things to come.  

Waiting for eternity is a hundred times better with a close friend – even with all the farm jokes.

I recently read through Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians with my antenna alert for hope-filled verses with this blog in mind. If there’s someone who understood the constant demands of the spiritual harvest and rested in hope anyway, it was the apostle Paul! 

Galatians 5:5, “For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness.”

Ephesians 4:4, “There is one body and one Spirit- just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call.”

Philippians 1:20, “…as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.”

Colossians 1:5a, “because of the hope laid up for you in heaven…”

Hope is being laid up for us in heaven – straight into the arms of Jesus. I can’t wait! 

But I have to wait.

Or maybe I get to wait. We get to – Kurt and I together. 

How do we live together in hope? Is it even possible for two people who revel in their stubbornness? I can laugh now but not even two days ago, we got into a heated discussion over whether the dishwasher was full enough OR too full to run the cycle. I went to bed mad…over DISHES. The next day was Sunday. We had a 27-mile drive to first service during which I’m happy to report we resolved the dishwasher issue. 

We had a 43-mile drive to the second service. I sincerely complimented him on a great message then asked his thoughts on keeping my song intros the same or not. He sincerely suggested changing my best one. I historically slide into hopelessness when my ideas are challenged. This time, I shot up a quick prayer and felt the Holy Spirit bring hope to my heart. I could change my song intro if He would give me the new words. One in hope.

We had a seven mile drive home. Our kids had driven home separately knowing we stay after ‘forever.’ I hoped the food would be ready. Maybe they would even think to set the table. We could smell the crockpot chicken and potatoes (with chili lime seasonings) as we came through the garage. My hopes were exceeded. The kids had shredded the chicken, put the potatoes on a serving platter, and set out plates and silverware. No more waiting. Heavenly. 

The next day was Monday. A pastoral couple’s delight and nightmare. Would we spend our time playing catch up on the myriad of undone business (NOT dishes!) OR allow ourselves some down time? Another heated discussion. Another Holy Spirit interruption. A strand of three – one in hope.

Speaking of threes . . . the best trio of keeping HOPE in our ministry marriage has been the Trinity of God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit through His Word, Worship and Prayer.

I’ve had a lot of pipe dreams over the years of what being married to the pastor should look like. Not too many of those dreams piped hope into our marriage. I’m ok now exchanging my flat longings for true hope. One in Christ. Till death do us part. Or until He comes again!

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