Just Enough Time

More than once, the thought has popped up in my head, “I don’t have enough time for today.” One day when my head went there, it struck me—today has the same amount of time as yesterday did and so will tomorrow. Why is it that I always say there is never enough time, when today has the same amount of minutes and hours as the next will?! 

If I think about it, there is always enough time to do whatever I am supposed to do for today. When I begin to say that there is not enough time today, then I am believing the lie that I control my day, that I control time. 

That’s why Psalm 31:14-15a is such a good reminder for me, “But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hand.” 

I’m not sure if the day that thought struck me God brought these particular verses to mind, but many times His Word will pop into my head just when I need to hear it. I am thankful, for His Spirit speaks to us whatever word He hears from the Son (John 16:13). 

That day I heard the word that I need to trust in the Lord for each moment of my day, to not be frantically running about, trying to get just one more thing done. Instead, I need to learn to rest in Him for each moment, seeking His Spirit’s guidance and trusting that I will get done today what I’m supposed to get done for today and what doesn’t get done wasn’t supposed to be done for today. How that lifts my burden! 

Of course, this requires that I be constantly resting in Him, not trying to do things on my own strength or by my own wisdom, but abiding in His presence continually so that I am walking in step with His Spirit. 

We all have a lot of demands on our time. People have expectations of us, and we have a lot of relationships and responsibilities that we are continually juggling. When I learn that I only need to worry about doing what God wants me to do for this day, then I am suddenly no longer the hamster frantically running in a circle that’s going nowhere. 

Then I can say with the hymnist Frances Ridley Havergal:

Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand

Never foe can follow, never traitor stand;

Not a surge of worry, not a shade of care,

Not a blast of hurry touch the Spirit there.

Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest.

Finding, as he promised, perfect peace and rest.

(“Like a River Glorious”) 

I am so glad the Spirit brought that word to mind to me that day, and that it continues to minister to me when I forget to rest in Him. 

Thank you, Lord, that I don’t have to be a slave to the clock when I recognize that my times are in Your Hands. Let me do what You want me to do today and help me to trust You with all that doesn’t get done today. My times are in Your hands. Amen.


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