Life’s Soundtrack

Soaring melodies. Pulsing rhythms. The Pandora Gladiator station pounds epic movie scores through the seams of the garage, and I half expect to see heroic acts of valor when I push open the door.

Instead, I’m greeted by everyday life. A car with its hood propped open. Spark plugs. My husband leaning into the engine of his sister’s car.

It’s ordinary at first glance, but a second look, prompted by the epic music, reveals a display of the glory of God’s kingdom – kindness in a garage, late on a Friday night, when the weekend calls.

Sometimes I wish a soundtrack could follow us all day long.

Imagine if soaring music broke in at the kitchen table, prompting words of kindness instead of impatience.

Imagine if suspenseful dissonance warned, “That’s gossip. Stop talking.”

Imagine if an allegro composition reminded us to serve, unseen, with joy.

Imagination aside, we have something better than a soundtrack. We have words. Beautiful, inspiring, life-giving, truth-telling words from God.

The psalmist in Psalm 119 vividly shows us a life lived to the soundtrack of God’s Word. He says,

“Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge.” Ps. 119:54


He declares God’s words are our life’s light, guiding our path (vs. 105). They guard from sin and bring delight far beyond magnificent riches (vs. 9-11, 14, 16). They strengthen us in sorrow and give hope and comfort in suffering (vs. 28, 49-50).

God’s words reveal that His children are clothed in kindness (Col. 3:12), that patience is the fruit of following the Merciful One (Gal. 5:22), and that humility is the way of the King (Phil. 2:1-11). They reveal the Word whose light is the life of humanity (John 1:1-5).

What a gift to have God’s words fill and transform all the ordinary days of our lives wherever each moment takes us – the kitchen table, a business trip, the church nursery, etc.

I’m tempted at times to turn Scripture reading and memorization into a to-do list, a resolution, or a grudging obligation. It’s true, there is occasional tension in reconciling the joy of lingering at Jesus’ feet with the discipline required to plant my heart in God’s Word. But, dear friends, a heart and mind overflowing with the words of our faithful God is a delight worth time and effort!

We could fill pages with the joy, hope, and life-change that accompany hiding God’s Word in our hearts, but let’s listen in as the psalmist exalts this truth over and over again in Psalm 119:

Oh, how I love your law!

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Your statutes are the joy of my heart.

The unfolding of your words gives light.

I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.

Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors


So turn up the soundtrack! Listen to – learn – the words of our Shepherd and embrace the joy of life lived to the rhythm of His truth and in relationship with Him.

2 Replies to “Life’s Soundtrack”

  1. What encouragement to my heart today. I was hearing a dirge (feeling a bit under the weather) but now I’m going to listen for scripture set to an allegro composition. I need His joy back in my life today. Thank you!

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