Loving the Place We Call Home: Our Community Part One

Unpack Your Boxes

When we moved to a small-town we had never heard of before, for our first calling into ministry, it did not immediately feel like home. That was 2 ½ years ago and we lived with a generous couple from the church for the first three months and after that we found our own place. Furniture does not make a house a home, but once we started hanging picture frames everything seemed more permanent! Nails in the drywall were the simple realization that I needed. If we tried to live with our boxes half packed we would miss out on loving the community and church to which God had brought us. Putting down roots is an important component to settling in and serving the Lord in our new small-town home, however long our stay.

Many ministry families have a much longer resume than us when it comes to making new communities and churches feel like home. I just have one experience so far, but I am thankful and testify that God is helping us love the small-town—our small-town—in which we serve.

Learning to Know is Learning to Love

In my search for a job I ended up waitressing. It was not my first choice but I liked it. Diner waitressing is like plummeting into the heart of small-town living! I was learning about the town’s culture and gaining insight into characteristics of the community faster than I anticipated and more quickly than my husband was able as he interacted primarily with people from church. Once our daughter was born it was easy for me to meet other moms. My phone collected random lists of people’s names that I had met once, but wanted to remember when I ran into them again. My husband’s efforts had to be a lot more intentional. He’s an “avoid-big-crowds” kind of person, but makes a conscious effort to coach community soccer and participate in community events where we can rub shoulders with others.

I am learning that knowing our community is crucial to loving it. It is difficult to appreciate and care for people that we know nothing about. Praise God who knows us intimately, sees our sin and failure, and yet loves us!

The Ultimate Way to Love

The ultimate way to love our neighbours is to tell them about Jesus. True love for our community climaxes in sharing the good news of the gospel. Care for the soul is the most enduring way to love. Evangelism and discipleship is a straightforward concept, but I do not find it easy to implement. I am thankful for the example of the senior pastor couple with whom we work who model natural and deliberate interactions with neighbours.

Recently my husband and I came to the embarrassing recognition that we did not know our closest geographical neighbours, besides our landlords and friends from church who live on the other side of the lane. We live outside of town so there are no over-the-fence chats or emptying-the-garbage waves for us. We never run into our neighbours.

Knowing it was not going to get simpler with time, so we courageously pulled together some cards and muffins to deliver to our neighbours’ homes over Thanksgiving. We were not quite sure to laugh or cry when on our first delivery none of them were home! Although a little awkward, we were eventually successful in meeting them. Introducing ourselves and saying hello was a small first step in loving them, but an important one.

We cannot tell our community the gospel if we are not interacting with them. I pray for a heart that hurts for the lost and boldness to take opportunities to share about the hope that I have in Jesus.

Whether you are fresh to a community like my husband and I or have served in a place for many years, may Jesus supply you with joy and eagerness to love your current home community!


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