Make Me A Blessing

The alarm went off this morning and I struggled to open my eyes. I could see the start of a beautiful sunrise, but it was still too dark. My mind argued with the alarm knowing that it was too dark to get out of bed and begin the day.

It’s that time of year again. The days are getting shorter and the alarm goes off in the dark. The cooler weather will keep us bundled up and the sun will not warm our skin like it did all summer. That means we may not be getting the Vitamin D that we need to stay healthy. So we take supplements.

This time of year, many of us tend to stay at home more often. I love a quiet evening beside a fire in the fireplace and a good book. But too much of a good thing can mean we are not getting the encouragement we need from others. We could say we need some Vitamin F (for friendship) to stay healthy.

So here is the challenge for extroverts and introverts alike. Plan to be a blessing to people who need encouragement during these upcoming long winter months. Ask God to show you who needs a shot of friendship. Take your pastor’s wife to lunch. Plan a craft day with your mom and grandmother. Enroll with your friend in an exercise class or challenge them to a pickle ball tournament!

Spend time talking and sharing what God has been teaching you. Spend time listening to what others have to say. Spend time doing things together – preparing Operation Christmas Child boxes, writing encouraging notes to missionaries, or baking cookies for youth group. It’s much more fun when you do things with others.

We do not get enough of our vitamins and minerals from food and sunshine so we must be intentional about taking supplements. We must also be intentional (that means planning!) about being a blessing in the lives of others.

“Make me a blessing,
Make me a blessing,
Out of my life
May Jesus shine;
Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray,
Make me a blessing to someone today.”

-Ira B. Wilson

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