Prayer for My Pastor’s Wife

Almighty God, 

Heavenly Father,

How good it is to remember and rest in the fact that You are all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere present – especially now as this world is experiencing fear and anxiety, sorrow and loss, hope and hopelessness. How good it is to know You and to remember Your promises as our Heavenly Father. You will never leave us. You provide a way. Your grace is sufficient.

Even as our country and the world are in turmoil over this pandemic, many are still dealing with their own personal struggles. Lord, You know how thankful I am that You sent our pastor and his family to our little church. I’m so thankful for the way he shepherds us every day. Now in this national crisis, thank You for his compassionate leadership.

But my heart is burdened for his wife. I know that she is dealing with some health issues and so in the midst of this changing world scene, she is needing to get to doctor visits, to deal with the disappointment of cancelled appointments, and waiting longer to get answers. Please, Lord, comfort her. Help her feel Your loving arms holding her safe. Give her the strength she needs to endure pain, disappointment, and waiting.

Give her wisdom as she learns to eat wisely and to change her activities. Give her joy in the things she can do. Help her body respond well to the changes and lessen her struggles.

Give her laughter today. As she cares for her family, give her contentment. Thank You for her creativity and her joy in being a mom. Give the family wonderful moments together as they wait out the isolation we are all experiencing these days.

In the midst of her busyness, give her wonderful moments of quiet contemplation of You. Give her time, without interruptions, to read Your word. To rejoice in truth. To feel the quietness in her soul.

Give her good sleep to refresh her physically. Help the family sleep well so she has uninterrupted sleep. As morning comes, prepare her for the day ahead.

Provide for her every need – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. And if there is something I can do to help, please bring it to my mind. Have her call and ask me. Keep me ready to serve her as she has so often served me. 

We praise You, Heavenly Father, because You are good. Nothing we experience is wasted. You help us to grow in our faith through the struggles. You never leave us to do things on our own. We praise You because we know what our future holds. You have promised us eternal life and with hope, we smile at the future.

To You belongs all the Glory,


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