Prayer for the Pastor’s Wife  

Heavenly Father, You know the unique role that each pastor’s wife plays as she serves with her husband in ministering to Your church.

You know that each one is called by You to be in relationship with You.

Give each woman the gift of resting in the depth of Your love for her each day. Today especially, may she know that no matter her burdens, no matter her sorrows or heartaches or insecurities, You love her just as she is.

You know that You have created her to glorify You uniquely with her special blending of spiritual gifts, God-given talents, personality, and life experience.

Give her confidence and peace in the truth that she can be all she is created to be in You and serve with joy, strength, and grace.

You know that each pastor and wife need to be a strong support for one another as they find their strength in You.

You know that a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Strengthen that threefold cord: You, the pastor, and his wife. Together may they stand strong in whatever battles You ask them to face in proclaiming Your true gospel, the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You know every broken place in the heart of every pastor’s wife here. Mend each one.

You know every sorrow; give comfort.

You know every hurt; give healing.

You know every joy and blessing; give the gift of praise.

Most of all, fill us with Your Spirit every day that we will be faithful and ready so that some day, hopefully soon, we will hear those precious words from You, our Loving Savior: “Well done, good and faithful servant”.

Amen; even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come.

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