Prayer Guide for Our Children’s Future Spouses

(The following prayers are based on the ESV translation.) 

Praying for a daughter’s future husband:

1.Lord God, I pray that he would love You with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength and know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. May these things be true of our daughter as she waits for a godly mate. May he be humble enough to know his imperfections but confident in Christ to press on, forgetting what lies behind and straining to what lies ahead. Give him endurance today toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

(Mark 12:30; Philippians 3:12-14)

2.Lord God, may he love his wife/our daughter with an undying love and be faithful to her, and she to him, as long as they both shall live. Help him to love his wife as himself, as You loved the Church, giving Yourself up for her to sanctify her by the washing of water with the Word. May he be a loving (not harsh) spiritual leader as her head, even as he submits to You as his head.

(Ephesians 5:23, 25-33; Colossians 3:19) 

3.Lord God, may he treat his body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, even now in his youth, glorifying You in his body. May he work and support his family with whatever gifts and abilities You bless him with, working heartily as unto You. 

(1 Corinthians 6:18-20; Colossians 3:23) 

4.Lord God, may he be honest in word and deed as You help him walk in integrity. Keep him free from the love of money and human praise. May he experience godliness with contentment—fighting the good fight of the faith. Help him to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness. May he know God’s purpose for his life and walk in daily obedience to You.

(Proverbs 10:9; 1 Timothy 6:6-12)

5.Lord God, may he have godly goals and kingdom priorities whether he and our daughter end up in full-time ministry or not. May he seek Your kingdom first and trust You to bring everything else into place. May he use his talents wisely and encourage his wife/our daughter to use her gifts as well.

(Matthew 6:13; 25:14-15; Proverbs 31)

Praying for a son’s future wife:

1.Lord God, I pray that she would love You with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength and know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. And may these things be true of our son as he waits for a godly mate. May she be humble enough to know her imperfections but confident in Christ to press on, forgetting what lies behind and straining to what lies ahead. Give her endurance today toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

(Deuteronomy 6:5; Philippians 3:12-14)

2.Lord God, may she be a helper suitable for our son, knowing him well, that together they wouldn’t be lonely. May the heart of our son trust her, and may she bring him good and not harm all the days of their married life. May she be faithful to him and he to her. Let nothing come between them.

(Genesis 2:18; Proverbs 31:11-12; Matthew 19:6) 

3.Lord God, I pray that she would be rich in kindness, generosity, and hospitality. May strength and dignity be her clothing. Give her wisdom and laughter in abundance as she looks to her household. May any children you give them the opportunity to raise, rise up and call her blessed and her husband also. May she use her God-given gifts inside and outside their home.

            (Proverbs 31:13-28)

4.Lord God, may she encourage our son daily. Give her endurance for the rough times, encouragement from the Scriptures, and hope as they live in harmony together. May our son treasure and cherish her, considering his wife his greatest treasure next to Christ.

(Romans 15:4-5; Proverbs 31:29-31; Ephesians 5:28-29)

5.Lord God, may she be devoted to prayer (Acts 1:14), respectful of her husband/our son (Ephesians 5:22, 24, 33), and a true companion as Priscilla was to Aquila (Acts 18, 1 Corinthians 16:19), walking side by side. Whether in full-time ministry or not, may they be Kingdom-builders for God’s glory. 

Praying for the couple: 

Together, may __________ and his/her future spouse flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

(from 2 Timothy 2:22)


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