Rest in Hope

I have a love/hate relationship with hope. I love the possibility of a hope fulfilled. I hate the fear of disappointment.

I remember loving hope, and hating it, too, when I entered an essay contest in grade school. I had eyes for one prize only – the 110 pixie camera, all new and glorious in its pink box. I was pins and needles full of anticipation, hoping my essay was a winner, dreading that it was not. My stomach hurt with nerves even after I walked away with the camera in hand.

What joy to know that hope in God satisfies without the weariness of doubt and fear. His promises in which I hope infuse my soul with rest.  

In shadowed valleys, the presence of my Good Shepherd is a guarantee. Rejection – I have the hope of unfailing love. Distress – I have the hope of help. Waiting – I have the hope of the God who hears. Weakness – I have the hope of strength that’s not my own. Death – I rest assured in the hope of glory. 

What are you hoping for? Maybe a marriage to fill with love again? Maybe a child to live free of pain? Maybe your heart to beat free of loss? Some of us just hope for sleep. 

We all have human hopes and expectations, but can I ask you to do something? Take a step back from the stomach-clenching, fear-tinged emotion of human hope and dwell in the security of God’s promises, in the unfailing character of our Savior, in the hope that is guaranteed by the God of truth and faithfulness.

Rest in hope. You will not be disappointed.

“Guide me in your truth and teach me,

for you are God my Savior,

and my hope is in you all day long.”

Psalm 25:5

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