Joyful Satisfaction

What satisfies you?

What brings you




Ponder the topic with me for a moment. “When I have ___________ I will be happy.”

Many of the things we would like to satisfy us are good things. After all, God has been kind to give us many things to enjoy. But really, we find out sooner or later that these things and experiences do not compare to the complete satisfaction only found in Jesus.

God is perfect in holiness and power and love. The most appropriate response we can return to God is delightful worship! He wants us to be satisfied in HIM first, not merely in the blessings we receive from Him. Desiring God above everything—and doing so with immense joy—demonstrates His supreme value and that brings Him glory!

All pursuits are partial but it is the satisfaction of God that is full.

All pursuits are temporary but it is the satisfaction of God that is everlasting.

While David was hiding in the wilderness from bloodthirsty Saul, David wrote,

“Because your love is better than life, my lips will praise you.” (Psalm 63) Wow!


David could praise God in spite of his unfavourable situation. Even more, David believed that his own life was not as important as communion with the LORD.

Unfortunately, my thinking is not always like David’s. Often my prayers go more like, “God, I love you and want you in my life because I hope you’ll give me______ or help me with _______.” If I truly understood that delighting in God above all is best, I would pray more like,  “God I love you and want YOU” Period.

It is this core satisfaction in Jesus Christ that I have been learning. At different times my “growth experiences” have been life-altering moments. Like when, by grace, I clung to the Lord in my suffering when my father suddenly died. But recently, it is in the little day-to-day moments that I practice being satisfied in God.

I am praying we hold Christ as the ultimate treasure in our ministry and life. May our lives not only glorify God in our devotion to Him but in our joyful satisfaction of Him.

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13: 44

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