Teach Me to Number My Days

Around this time of year, nearly everyone thinks about what they want to do differently in the new year. Most of us have stopped making formal resolutions, but quietly set new goals for our lives. Often, how our lives unfolded in the previous year determines those goals for the new year.

In the last few weeks of 2023, several of my friends were called to heaven unexpectedly. Thankfully, they had all trusted in Christ as their Savior and lived their lives as a testimony to Him as we heard at their funerals and in their obituaries. As I get older, I begin to wonder what people will say when God calls me home. Will my life be a testimony to Him? Do I bring glory to Him now?

During these last few days, I’ve thought about my last interactions with the ones I will not see again this side of heaven. Was I kind? Did I care for them or was I distracted? Do I have regrets? Years ago, I was an 800-operator taking between 200 and 250 calls per shift. Some people were all business requesting the information they needed. Some people were kind and friendly. A surprising number were angry and rude. I found it difficult, after talking with the angry and rude people, to keep my attitude neutral for the next call. (The next call could come within seconds.)

Once, my attitude crept into my voice as I answered the next call. A sweet older voice said, “Oh, sweetie. Are you having a bad day?” Her kindness pierced my heart and changed my attitude. God used her to teach me a lesson. From that time on after one call ended, I would say to myself, “God loves this person,” as I answered the next call.

Lately, I needed that reminder again. Do I treat people based on how I feel at the moment? There have been times that I’ve been frustrated, in pain, anxious, annoyed, or tired and I’ve responded to people harshly. What if I die and those are the last words I say to them? What if I don’t have an opportunity to ask forgiveness? Am I bringing God glory?

With this new year, I want my days to begin with a prayer that God will remind me to bring glory to Him in all my interactions with people. 

Heavenly Father, 

Let (my) speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that (I) may know how (I) ought to answer each person.” (Colossians 4:6) Help me to remember that my days are few and that I need to use the time and opportunities You give to gain a heart of wisdom, which helps me know Your purpose in all things (Psalm 90:12).


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