The Importance of Being Generous

I want to be generous because God has given so lavishly to me through His people that I want to do the same. As the definition of generous states, I want to be ready “to give more than is strictly necessary or expected.”

Instead of hoarding my time, money, and possessions I want to learn to give freely to people who may need a listening ear, financial assistance, or a gift of encouragement. Being generous requires a different way of thinking. I must stop looking at myself – my needs and wants – and start thinking of others. I pray that God will open my eyes to see where He can use me in very simple ways.

Extra garden produce? Don’t let it rot but give it away! Have some extra time? Make the Rhubarb-Strawberry jelly and give it away! Or freeze the extra corn and applesauce and give it away!

Have you read a good book lately? Pass it on to someone you think will enjoy the book, too, without worrying if you get it back.

Want to go for a walk? Stop by and ask your friend if she’d like to walk with you. Take time to listen to her and enjoy her company.

Get out of your pew and sit beside the one who is going through some struggles. Listen as she unloads and pray for her.

Drop a little extra into the offering plate and pray for God to use it abundantly.

God is changing my perspective and showing me how to be a blessing to others. Often, a thought will pop into my head to ask someone to lunch, to make a call, or to send a card.  I know it is from the Lord because that’s not normally how I think. And what a blessing He gives when you know you have helped someone along the way. I’m praying that as you read this blog today, you will think of ways you can bless your pastor’s wife today.

And that God will bless you.

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