The Lasting Legacy of a Ministry Couple: Aquila and Priscilla, Cheering others on and Discipleship

Aquila and Priscilla show us a fascinating example of serving well together through eight life-actions recorded in the Scriptures. (D)

  1.       They moved together (Acts 18:2)
  2.       They worked together (Acts 18:3)
  3.       They traveled together (Acts 18:18)
  4.       They counseled together (Acts 18:26)
  5.       They risked their lives serving together (Romans 16:4a)
  6.       They hosted Paul (Acts 18:3) and church (Romans 16:3-5a) in their home together
  7.       They  heartily cheered others on together (1 Corinthians 16:19)
  8.       They left a legacy of discipleship together (Romans 16:3, 2 Timothy 4:19)

Today we will end our series by looking at points seven and eight. We pray that you have been as encouraged as we have in studying this strong, ministry-driven couple.

They heartily cheered others on together.

I Corinthians 16:19, “The churches of Asia send you greetings. Aquila and Prisca, together with the church in their house, send you hearty greetings in the Lord.”

I love how Paul used the phrase, hearty greetings, to show the personality of this house-church. Similar words for hearty used in the Scriptures are loud, great and many. Vibrant, Spirit-filled worship times resounded often in this couple’s home!

Corporate worship in their home was the impetus for this couple’s lasting legacy. In fact, this Jewish couple was able to impact a culture not their own, “Not only I (Paul) give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well.” (Romans 16:4b).

The sweet times of prayer and Bible studies we had in homes before launching the second location of Sandhills Church of Hope: one church in two locations, felt like a tiny taste of Heaven. My husband and I continue to pray that worship services at both locations would be a house of prayer with vibrant worship, preaching, and fellowship.

Be encouraged dear Pastor’s Wife as you and your husband heartily cheer others on together! -Denna

They left a legacy of discipleship together.

Romans 16:3, “Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus.”

2 Timothy 4:19, “Greet Prisca and Aquila…” Paul includes greetings to this couple in some of his last words to young Pastor Timothy.

Scripture does not state whether Aquila and Priscilla had children, yet their legacy has stood the test of time for over two thousand years. Discipleship is the one true legacy a Christian can leave in this world. Whether it’s discipling our children or those outside our family, the act of discipleship is one that God honors and sustains throughout the years to come.

Recently, we had a sleepover for fourteen girls. Our house is about 500 square feet and even though the sun never sets above the Arctic Circle in the summer, we had everyone sleep outside in tents. My husband and I decided that focusing on Ephesians 4:29 throughout the evening would remind the girls what we were learning in Bible study. Throughout the sleepover it was exciting to hear many of the kids remind others to build each other up. Around 1:00 am we held a devotional time where we discussed purity and waiting on God for one’s spouse. These situations offer many opportunities to disciple and point others to Christ—whether it’s chatting about how God provides us food while roasting hotdogs, or hugging a crying child whose daddy is in jail, or sharing Scripture about serving as unto Christ and not to man with a young teen who is helping spray the younger girls with mosquito repellent. It all leaves a legacy—and what a joy we have in leaving a legacy as we too serve as fellow workers in Christ Jesus alongside our husbands.

If you want to leave a legacy worth living and dying for, then place all your effort in discipling others to follow hard after God—the legacy you leave will be one where you are forgotten, and the Gospel is remembered. -Maddie

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